Dragonball Z
A fan art of a mini-comic that was made by Cracked Syphon A drawing of some High School friends of mine. Some Gundam joke I heard. Chibi G-O to the rescue Group of different characters from different comics. A design for our senior year T-shirt, it never got chosen. We were tyhe Valorians.(those bastards) G.I.R from "Invader Zim" Tranining Wheel's character  sketches More Traning Wheel sketches
First page to my first comic called First Aid Page 2 of First Aid. And page three takew a wild guess...okay I'll tell you, it's page 4 Page 5, also the last page i ever made. I gave up because I didn't think anyone liked it. some thing I just drew. An attempt at a chibi Lara Croft. A Samu's drawing I did, Check out the colored one.  My new look to my First Aid comic. A samurai of some sort.
A Fan art of one of my favorite comics made by Cracked Syphon.
New Kid from Training wheels. Nabi (or Nabs as the kids call her) from Training Wheels. A colored ROD poster design. same as the other drawing.
Fan art oekaki by the real Nabi. Visit her site. Nabi colored my Samus drawing, She rules.