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Anthony P. Gioseffi was turned on to science fiction and fantasy writing when he served as lyricist for a progressive rock band in the 1990’s. He creates his futuristic and fantastic worlds at his home, nestled among the trees of New Hampshire.

He has published his first science fiction novel, at 142 pages, MAINFRAME.

On the planet Karae, Computer Wizards use handheld devices to create virtual magic. The evil Hacker is always on the prowl to discover a certain old handheld, which is said to lead its user to the all-powerful Mainframe. The handheld has been inadvertently located by one of the youngsters in a family of Wizards. Finding this out, The Hacker kidnaps the parents to use them as bait. Now stuck with the task of having to save them, the kids realize that the binary code written onto the old handheld contains a road map through time and space, to alternate universes and virtual realities; all paths leading to the sought-after Mainframe. With The Hacker always close behind, the young Wizards travel to the unknown …
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Name: Anthony P. Gioseffi
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