DaitanGio's Home Page

Last Revision: June 2000
Style revision still in progress.
Please come back in middle June 2000!
This page is best viewed with a Netscape 3.x or higher and Mozilla is reccommended.
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A blitz description of Giovanni "Daitan" Giorgi

Here you will find a list of my interests, some good reason for programming, watching some TV-series and enjoy!!!!

I am a IT Analist/SysAdmin/Factotum, a small geek, an even small hacker and a very very big Smalltalk fanatic :) My nick name is DaitanGio, Daitan means something like "brave" in japanese langauge. I take this name after seeing "Daitarn3" cartoons in my early days (and because there was already a lot of email address starting with gio or giovanni :)

This page contains some Italian section, because I am writing some technical articles about information Technology (IT) in Italian.

I has started to work two month ago, so I have not so much time to write my home page. I am guilty, because I do not use the WPP tool written by my friend Marco Lamberto for providing an unform layout to my pages:P

I will try to write here contents, while page look and feel will be very very simple. This page for instance, is the more complex you will find here.
I don ont like very heavy pages, with a lot of graphics and very very slow (I am in Italy, not in the U.S.A. and speed is a small problem...)

For these reasons I need of even you feedback for writing a best home page!!!



Se tutto procede come previsto, la prima bozza dell'articolo sul CVS sarą pronta per il 30 Maggio 2000. Potrete scaricare la versione in html o postscript, a seconda dei vostri "gusti"

Smalltalk code of Giovanni Giorgi

Zeus Smalltalk Library

Current version is for Squeak 2.4

Zeus is not ready for public relase. Please wait a bit.
Look at Squeak Web Site for downolading the lastest cool VM.

A my not-so-old photo...

About this page:
Giovanni "Daitan" Giorgi, a G-Design® (©)opyleft
You are the contact to this page, until its creation! And I hope it will grow until 200 before 31 June 2000!!!

Minor Links

  • My Message Board leave here messages/comments/critics/language typos/and so on....