Do you have acne?
Find out how I finally cleared up my acne without taking any more drugs or paying for painful treatments & without paying a single extra cent!
The Acne:
From the time I was 18 until I was 29, I had untreatable cycstic adult acne. My acne was so bad it covered my face, neck, shoulders, chest and back.  It was painful to touch.  Often it was cyst-like, with huge purplish-black pustules filled with blood and pus.  When one would erupt it would empty over a period from days to weeks and often just refill again with the infection.  If one did manage to disappear, it left a deep poc-like scar.

Treatments I tried:
I tried steroidal injections, antibiotics, glycolic acid peels, and prescription facial care systems.  The dermatologist suggested harsher drugs like Acutaine, but I wasn't willing to risk all the possible side effects that could be harmful to me or my future desires.
After spending thousands of dollars, I gave up - Nothing had worked
at all.

One fine day...
After 11 years of suffering, an acquaintance saw me flinch after I accidentally scratched one of my gigantic bumps and she asked me if it hurt. She told me that she had experienced the very same type of acne.  I asked what she did to get her face so perfectly clear and she told me...
She eliminated all dairy from her diet.
She urged me to try it for just 2 weeks to see if it would work for me. 

What happened?
I went home and thought about it.  I loved dairy, my whole milk, my nightly chocolate milk treats, heavy cream in my coffee, delicious cheeses, ice creams and yogurt.  It was going to be difficult to do but I was determined to at least try it.  So...
did eliminate all dairy, and within just one week, all my acne was gone!  I didn't have to spend a dime on any expensive treatment!  I just had to look at ingredient lists on all the food I ate to make sure certain dairy products were not included, and purchase dairy alternatives instead of my regular dairy products.
After seeing the wonderful results I went on a quest to find the best dairy alternatives on the market.  And I found some great food products that helped me continue on my new dairy-free diet.  I will tell you everything I found and even give you some tasty
recipes, but you have to make the decision to try to go comepletely dairy-free for 2 to 4 weeks.  Don't do it for me.... do it for yourself.*

ALLERGEN ALERT!  Soy is a known allergen. Most dairy alternatives are made with soy, so if you have a soy allergy, look for alternatives that are also soy-free.  There are other alternatives to soy, such as rice milks, & almond milks & cheeses, but I have not seen many; and likewise you should be sure you are not allergic to the other alternatives!
Giovanna's  Favourite Dairy-Free Products
My Challenge to You:
Go just 2-4 weeks with no dairy what-so-ever and maybe you too will see clear skin*.  It can't hurt to try and it costs nothing extra.  (And as long as your family members aren't allergic to your chosen alternative, you can make anything you wish and just use your dairy alternative, they probably won't even know it isn't milk!)
Yes you can have chocolate!  As a matter of fact, there are a some dairy-free chocolate products available.  Just read the label to make sure.
---Remember this is a lifestyle change.  You may encounter a breakout if you consume any dairy, even after your face clears.---
What ingredients should I look for?
* Not all forms of acne may be effected by eliminating dairy.  You should first check with your doctor before beginning any form of dietary change.  Do not discontinue treatment prescribed by a doctor; you can eliminate dairy & continue with your prescribed treatment.  Some people are allergic to soy products, if you suspect that you may be allergic to soy do not consume or handle soy.
My Recipes