Rules for the use of this Library

Conditions of Loan

1. Reference material which would not be possible to lend out will comprise the following :

  1. Old and rare books
  2. Books of reference section which are likely to be required for use in the library at any movement
  3. Reports of Committees and Commissions
  4. Dictionaries, Directories, Year Books, Encyclopaedias, Gazetteers, Census Reports, Bibliographies etc.
  5. Publications of international organizations, and such other material received on depository and exchange basis
  6. Bound volumes or loose issues of periodicals, debates of legislatures, other important material, and anything also classified as reference material.
Text-books recommended for M.A. (Economics) course will be issued over-night only to students registered at the Institute.

2. No sub-lending of books borrowed from the Library is permitted.

3. Before leaving the counter, the member shall satisfy himself/herself as to whether the book lent to him/her is in a sound condition. If the book is found defective in any respect, he/she should immediately bring the matter to the notice of the Librarian or his/her deputy. Should the book be found damaged when receiving it back, the member returning it will be held responsible for its replacement at his cost. If one book out of a set is spoiled or lost, the whole set will have to be replaced by borrower at his cost.

4.All books on loan must be returned within a fortnight from the date of issue. An overdue charge of Re.1/- per book per day will be charged on overdue books. Loan may at any time be terminated by order of the Librarian.

5. A loaned book may be re-issued for a further period of a fortnight provided :

    1. The renewal application reaches the Librarian not less than three and not more than six clear days before the date on which the book is due back in the library and
    2. No other reader has put a claim on the book in the meantime.
6. Loss of books : If a member loses a book borrowed from the Library, he will be liable to repay the replacement cost of the book plus a penalty of 10% of the replacement cost.

7. Loss of Ticket :If a member loses the borrower’s ticket, a new ticket will be issued only after one month from the date on which the application intimating the same has been received, on charging a fee of Rs.5/- per ticket.

Membership and Fee

The Library offers three types of membership as follows :
1. Annual Membership Rs. 150.00 per annum
2. Casual Membership Rs. 10.00 per day
3. Institutional membership Rs. 1500.00 per annum

The membership fee for foreign nationals and non-resident Indians will be five times of those for Indians

Recommendation for Membership

Those who wish to become a member of the library are required to get the recommendation of any of the following mentioned designators