I'm Heather, also known as "girl_2b". I live in Houston and am interested in meeting boys and girls for friendship and maybe more. Email me at TsInHouston@Hotmail.com
Me as a brunette, my normal look
Do blondes have more fun?
About me...

I'm an MtF pre-op/non-op transexual living on the west side of Houston. I don't live full time as a female, at least not yet. I have a professional career and a daughter who visits from time to time, and I'm in "male mode" for both of those. Other than that, I identify as female and like to be with people who appreciate and accept me as such.

Although I work with computers and software a lot, you can probably tell I'm not much of a web page designer!

My sexuality, if you want to know, depends a lot on who I'm with and how I feel about them. The terms bi/gay/straight just don't mean anything, but if you need a description, think of me as a bisexual female.

Fantasies Fullfilled?

I don't dress up for sexual thrills, although there's certainly nothing wrong with that.  For me, as I think it is for most transexuals, iit's more an expression of who I am and how I feel. I know there are a lot of guys who'd love to have a bisexual experience with a "girl with something extra", and I can certainly understand why it would be appealing. It just doesn't do much for me and there's not much reason to meet a guy who just wants to experiment one night. I'm sure there are others out there who will, though, and I wish you the best of luck!

If you're interested in getting to know me, you'd best behave like a gentleman! I don't do one night stands with people I don't know. (Well, there have been some ... ummm... exceptions!)
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