here's the deal, When I first started this site I was very excited
because I really considered Heather a wonderful actress, but my
tastes have changed and even when Heather is still among my
favorites I lost interest on updating this site and I felt almost
obligated to do it. So
I've decided to shut it down since I am running 3 more sites and
unlike this one, they have gotten excellent responses from the
public. I am sorry If I am letting down all those who expected all
the promised media, photos and articles but I just can't compromise
to do something I really don't want to do. I still believe that Miss
Graham is a great actress and that she had an amazing future ahead
of her, I can only wish her the best. Sincerely KS ---Jude
Law Obsession--- ---The
Claudia Black Files--- ---s
t a t i c--- |