My Stuff





Adopt a neopet!

random quotes



So a number of people were complaining that they couldn't read any of my writings because I didn't have them posted anywhere. they are!! (along with a number of other things)

March 29th: So I was actually going to do some new revamping and considering trying to find a new home from my abused website, but then my computer decided to have some problems; namely, the adaptor not working and then frying itself while plugged into my laptop, so I had to go to the apple store in Novi. The tech guys did manage to get the adaptor out of my computer, but had to leave some pieces of it inside my computer, so the end result being that I need to replace the adaptor (which I figured I would) along with the outlet in my computer, making the total cost for repairs about $400. Which made me think if it was actually worth it to get my computer fixed or just get a new one. So now I'm on one of my dad's spare laptops, of which he has at least three, that I know of. And trying to convince my parents to buy me a new computer. Which is actually fairly reasonable considering my laptop was about 5 or 6 years, which is pretty old for a mac laptop. But now I have to get used to a different laptop, on which I have to type my three dozen papers that I have done in the next week, which lets me get to my final point, that I'm not going to be doing anything with this website until after I graduaate, which thank god is coming up soon.