He's got the whole
World in
his hands
Our #1 enemy...a warning to the citizens of the US, the
biggest terrorist of all is right under our noses!
Constitution of the United States of America
states in the
first paragraph that we as citizens, it is not only our duty to keep a check on our government
but our RESPONSIBILITY. We owe it to our founding fathers who started this
Country. Yet they say trust Bush and our government. We should always have
their back... b/s! Do you think our system is so perfect that
bad apples can't slip through the cracks every once in awhile. Remember
Watergate? Yea it did happen. Or how about the illegal
wire tapping that is currently supported by the Bush admin? I will NOT be lead blindly by any
government. People should realize that the majority rule runs a Country
and not the
President we hired.
Peace on Earth, for ALL mankind
Who is to say
the Bush isn't trying to take over the world...?..like many people have said
about owners of Nuclear warheads. Going to war on behalf of the Iraqi's is
the next reason. "Those people needed to be freed" he says. Well, so
do the poor citizens of North Korea Bush so why aren't you helping them?!
WHY aren't you helping Somalia, the
crisis in Darfur, the conflicts in the Congo and most importantly
thousands of AMERICANS without healthcare and jobs. Let's worry
about our own people before we move on to other Countries. ARE you
saying that the Iraqi people are more important and should be helped first?
OR do you just want their natural resources? Don't get me wrong, I'm all
for helping others but the U.S. does has a history of
invading Countries for their natural resources. Bush has just taken it to
a new level. WE all want peace and freedom
but there's other ways to solve our problems... Now keep on reading cause here's where it gets tricky,
Bush knows without a doubt, that Kim Jong
will USE his weapons on the U.S. if he (Bush) attempts anything. Meaning that,
if he pulls some shit like Iraq, he will blow
us up! Or at least California. But rest assured, everyone would get
a little taste of the radiation.
The whole
reason for Iraq War #2 (Daddy's boy) in the
first place, if we all think back was because of the WMD's. They DID NOT turn up!
Maybe a few small missels and a grenade? Not enough to even
matter... It's sad really to think that they invaded this Country
on that basis and could not even find what they came for? Now,
Korea has ADMITTED to having nuclear warheads and the
reason for obtaining them is protection from the US. Also, may I ask who gave us the right
to have them and other countries not? Maybe the best idea would be to just
do away with this horrible weapon all together. It's decent
protection for a Country but can also cause so much harm all around the
World. And how in the HELL did Americans
get 9/11 mixed up with Iraq? Here is the
9/11 report. There are many strange things said by the Bush
admin in this document and it is a very good read. Also it shows that Iraq
had NOTHING whatsoever to do with 9/11.
Hey, here's the thing.
The bad guy is still on the
loose, we killed the wrong one!
What really gets me is that you
saw bumper stickers on cars that read "We'll never forget!" But
yet, it seems as if they did. We voted this asshole into office
not just once, one bad mistake and learn a lesson. I'm ashamed to
admit, our Country voted this man into office twice. And our
Country lost. We lost our respect around the World, we lost Osama,
we lost freedoms, we lost troops.
What have we gained?
An extra 300 +billion dollars to our countries already outstanding
Let's learn from our mistakes America.
Politicians are our employees
and let's make them earn their pay. Get out and vote and let your
voice be heard. Don't just lurk in the shadows, be part of history
and do some good for your Country. Make a change for the better
and your heart will sing.
Vote For
*Your name here!*
There's always light at the end of the tunnel.
Americans will overcome this obstacle as well.
And a beautiful end to that tunnel it will be