Cost of the War in Iraq

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We have been at war with Iraq for years now (see count above), the death toll rises every day, thousands men and women of our own GREAT Army have been sent to die for an unjust war.  Halliburton has made the most profit off of the Iraqi war so far (close to a BILLION dollars), they're not playing with thousands like we are folks!  Not even millions.  Ironically - Our Vice President Dick Cheney runs this little business.   Click the link that says "men and women" to go view the hundreds of faces that will never see the light of day on this Earth again.  People who sacrificed their life in doing what they thought was right OR in some cases, what they HAD to do in order to keep a job or from being sent to prison for going A-wall.  The Iraqi people are free huh?  Even though there's still tyranny in the streets and hundreds are still being killed bless their poor souls! Hopefully one day, they will see TRUE peace.  But we can't make peace for them, they have to want it for themselves.



War with Kim Jong won't be like it was with Saddam, any intelligent person knows that if you're Country is being attacked you're going to use the weapons you have to fight back.  The Bush administration knew Iraq contained NO WMD's.  In other words, they had no fear!  This was their feed to the public to make their reasoning sound ok.  Then, once it was announced to the public that NO WMD's were found (the first reason for the war, remember?) they conveniently changed their reasoning to "helping the Iraqi people."  FUNNY they didn't mind taking out that 16,000+ human beings bombing Iraq in those first few weeks and thereafter.... Let's be REAL There isn't any TRUE reason for being in that place.  Peace isn't made by war.  It states in the bible, "Blessed be the peacemakers (meek), for they shall inherit the Earth."  It's 2005, man kind has accomplished harrowing  feats, over came turbulent times and conquered over all odds.   We've WALKED ON THE MOON for God's Sake!  There's other methods to obtaining true peace goals.  War isn't the only way, it should be a LAST resort - NOT the first!  And yet people they bitch and bitch and call you UN- American for having an opinion on this subject.  In actuality, I'm more American than them. America was founded on this...FREE SPEECH baby!  And I love it!