
##. What on earth did you do to your Sailor Moon fan fic???
 I destroyed it!! No not really!! The thing is that I had no time to 
work on it.. I didn't destroy it.. As a matter of fact,
there's a link to what's left of it, on the STUFF page..
For Anyone who's curious..
## Will You be working on this or any other fan fic???
I have yet to decide, maybe I will start a new fan fic, but
I don't think the Sailor Moon Fan Fic will continue.. The story I'm trying
to get out right now, is My "Nemesis" one.. ALso I have been working 
on My Lord Of THe RIngs Doujinshi, so if I do anything else is 
simply because of inertia!
## Why the title Pink and Blue?
Pink is a sweet color, as well as blue.. had to bring them 
both together... I like these colors.. I just like the sound of 
these two together.. PINK and BLUE... 
##What is your Web Site About??
Hmmm... I would say... It's about ME!!! But, Mostly, I'd 
say it's about my ART. AND YES!! SHIT LOADS ABOUT ELIJAH WOOD, and
## Why do you draw BOYS a lot?? And Hardly any girls??
I am very fascinated with Bishonen.. This is my tribute to 
them... As for not drawing girls... Well, you'll see some, here and
there, but since I believe that ANIME has taken girls and
drawn the crap outta them, I FIGURED I would do the same,
but with BOYS... Just a little Feminist thing I got going there
## Why do you have pics that are a bit insulting to the male
sex?? Because of the same reason I stated above... I'm tired of 
the sexism in ANIME, and yes I as an Otaku am well aware of 
it.. I must do something to change this behavior at least a bit..
see lots of pretty boys, in some revealing attire... !!
## What Kind of Art Do you feature in this site??? 
I feature all kinds, but I am most proud of my Cat Boy,
and Original ANIme Art... 
## What is your copyright policy??
Well, I am quite sure I'd recognize my own drawings, even 
without my glasses, and I'd be dissapointed in someone else
claiming them as their own, but you know what?? I guess 
the only person who is getting hurt is the stealer.. I figure that
what goes around comes around... But, well if you must use my
art in any way, please be nice and let me know that you want to
borrow it, and that you'll give me credit for it.. If not, well...
ummm... Sorry... As for Downloads, and taking stuff from this
site, well I do believe that we should do something for the 
web surfers who love to come in here, and surf through the whole
site.. For them I plan to create badges, and some cliques that they
can take to wear on their sites.. I like to give to people so I wanna 
do something for them.. ^_^ 
## What Else do you have to offer???
Well, I have plenty of cute Shtuff to look at, and tons of COOL
ANIME LINKs, for the Otaku in you!! I also recommend the Cat Boy
Section, he's COOL!!...I am trying my best to 
make this web site as fun to surf through as possible, so bare 
with me, in the slow updating process..
## how Often Do You Update???
Every time I get a chance.. I got my own computer, now, but I 
don't have that much time on my hands.. In between my job, school,
Comunidad and all the other time I need to draw, do homework, sleep, eat, and
hang out with my friends, and boyfriend, I usually find at least a day or
two with a few hours to work on it.. IN OTHER WORDS I REALLY REALLY TRY
change the entrance layout..
## Will You Write your updates???
YES..There will be a little tip notifying you that the 
page has been updated, plus whatever updates have been made..
##  What Programs Do You Use To Build Your Site??
To scan my pics, I use my scanner (NO DUH!! *drop*),
to edit the pictures I use MGI PHOTO SUITE, and 
Microsoft Picture It.. To build my templates, graphics
or layouts I also use these two programs... 
To build other sites I sometimes experiment with
Microsoft Publisher, and to build the web site, I use 
Yahoo Pagebuilder... 
## Do you take requests???
Usually I don't because it takes me about a million years!! 
What I do I do it randomly.. For example the Lord of THe RIngs 
doujin is for a girl who wrote a super cool fan fic, and I 
decided I wanted to contribute to the beauty of it thru the 
only way I know how.. Most of my gift art happens accidently, or when I 
have time... So, No.. I really don't take any requests...
## How Often are you on-line?? 
When I have the time.. Usually every other time..
Most of the times if I do get on my computer I am usually
procrastinating!! WAsting time surfing around and looking
at pretty pictures of either Lord of The Rings, Anime Art, 
or ELijah Wood, whom I claim that I love, but come on like
who doesn't?? 
## Do you answer all your e-mails??
I try, but honestly I take FOREVER!!! So if you decide
to send me a message telling me, that you liked the 
page or that you want me to visit your site, it 
will be more often that I will probably visit your 
site immediately, and then answer your e-mail a million years
later... So, it's really up to you... I respond faster to 
web page invitations, than to e-mails themselves...
I love signing guestbooks... For some strange reason 
I find it fun.... ^_^ 
## Is there any other way We can contact you??
Now there's another way I guess, there's MSN messenger, and
my e-mail. Unless, you go to the Gloves and Holly Art Agency Forum, 
where I like to run around and talk about Elijah Wood, and Lord Of 
The Rings, and random madness here and there...
## Which Web Sites Do you Visit Often.??
take note...
The Gloves and Holly Art Agency
Elijah's Endeavors
The One Ring.net
Bit Of Earth.net
The Library of Moria
Always and Forever ELijah Wood
The ELIjah Wood Fan Network
Fan Fiction.net
Omi's Kitty In The House
Lost Angels
Anime Web Turnpike
Elijah Wood.Inc
Mayfly A shrine to Nagi NAoe
Forbidden a Shrine to Nagi Naoe
Lots of Japanese Lord of The Rings Fan Art Websites
and my own site
Pink and Blue
## Do you use other people's graphics on your site??
YES!!! and PROPER CREDIT has been given to all of them..
## Do You Have a Mascot, or Pet for your site???
YES, and please take note.. His name is OMI, and he's 
a Cat Boy... ^_^
## Why a CAT BOY?? 
I don't know.. I love CATS, and my biggest weakness are beautiful
MALES, so put them together and you got My DREAM GUY!!! 
MMMMEEEEEEOOOOOWWWW!!!!!! I also got a Bunny Boy, but he's 
like the second mascot.. Very Beautiful young man, too.. ^_^ !
## Is there STRONG CONTENT on your site??
YES, and WARNINGS have been posted..  
## Will this content be easily accessible??
Yes, but there are warnings...  
## Do you have any help with this site?? IOW, Do you 
have collaborators.. ??
No.. I used to have collaborators when I was doing the 
Sailor Moon Fan Fic, But now it's just me, on my own.. 
## Do you need HELP??
Ummm.. No.... As conceited as it might sound... I want 
to tackle this challenge on my own.. 
## Can We ask you for help??
Well, it's like in da requests... If you're willing to wait a 
while for me to do a graphic or a banner, or whatever then
sure, I'll help you.. Just be warned about the time it takes 
me... Not because I have too many people flooding my
Inbox, or trying to request something from me, but because
of my problem with time management..... SORRY!
## Any other INQUIRIES???

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    Source: geocities.com/girlkicksbutt