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Need some advice than go to this section of the site and send in any questions you may have about life in general(anything).You'll get a reply,or just read some that are already there.

Go here to send or read embarrassing moments from other teens like you!

   Skin? Why not see what you can do to get and keep helthy skin!

Go Here!

     I'm starting a poetry an creative writng section. So please if you've got talent share it to motivate other teens like you.

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      Here are some money saving tips and fun to do:
    Flood jeans/capris = Take an old pair of jeans or a pair that is too short and cut them evenly(for a heamed edge just heam them about an inch in,but they look great without it.).Old Jeans?= If you've got jeans that are too short simply sow fabric with a cute design to the bottom of your jeans. They look store bought if you have a sowing machine.(get your mom to do it if you cant. She'll be glad to save 30$      Want more
click here!

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       ~About the Site~
        ~Girl's Inn~ a NEW SITE all about teen girls! This is basically like an E-zine. It has cool links, beauty tips,fashion finds,an advice column,moments and much more. I think the best part about it is that it's made by teens an it's free! Since it is updated sometimes every week I would suggest Bookmarking it.
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