Sept 15th @ Ga Tech for Juniors only (Society of Women Engineers) Sept 30th @ 1:15pm Girl Scout Day Braves vs Mets There will be a parade on the field before the game. This will be a family event. The tickets range from $5 - $16. There is a 10 person family limit. Registration opens on 8/3 Oct 20th Girl Scout Day @ the zoo. Tickets are $8.00 Registration starts 9/5 Oct. 27th Juniors/Cadettes Historic Halloween @ Atlanta History Center from 6:00 - 10:00pm The cost is $7.00 (includes a patch) Registration is 9/14 -9/28. Upcoming Events 2/2 African American Panoramic Experience $4.00 2/9 C/S Alabama Civil Rights Tour $42.00 per person (13 girl maximum) Registration opens 1/4 2/15-16 C/S Night Owls $30 per person Registration opens 1/1 Activities include bowling, skating, YMCA's swimming pool, Waffle House, etc 5/19 Silver and Gold Pinning Ceremony @ Sam's Auditorium from 2-3:30pm NYC trip is Sunday, March 31st - Wednesday, April 3rd. Some of the activities planned are The Empire State Bldg, Statue of Liberty & Ellis Island, Wall Street, Chinatown, UN Bldg, & shopping. A Broadway show is planned but not included in the cost. The cost is $595.00 per person. Registration opens on 7/2/2001 A non-refundable deposit on $100.00 is due at the time of registration. REVISION: For ages 13 & above |