Confetti Globe

Recycled Items
Six Ounce Baby Food Jar (clean and lable removed)
Plastic Gems
Fabric Scrap

Hot Glue Gun
Pinking Shears
Clear Corn Syrup
Kitchen or Paper Towells

1)  Place two or three pinches of confetti and a plastic gem or two into a baby food jar.

2)  Fill the jar just past half full with clear corn syrup.

3)  Fill the jar almost to the top with room tempature water. You need to leave enough air in the jar for "mixing it up".

4)  Screw the lid carefully back onto the jar. Make sure you have it on correctly to avoid spills!

5)  Now the fun part! Shake your Confetti Globe to mix the water and corn syrup. It may take a few hours  :)  of shaking depending on the brand of corn syrup, but it will eventually "go clear".

6)  Once you confirm there is enough air for shaking, "seal" the lid with a bead of hot glue around where the jar lid and jar meet.

7)  Make a lid cover from a scrap of fabric cut with pinking shears and secure with a rubberband.

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Copyright © 2007 Girl Scout Troop 950
Created: May 15, 2007

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