Girls Plus is run by Tommy and Johnny, two regular guys from London in the UK. We like listening to music, watching movies and going to football matches. We also like sexy transgender folk - and spend quite a bit of our time looking at sexy transgender folk on the internet. We really ought to get out more.
Girls Plus is a free site featuring links to some of our favourite tranny homepages, Yahoo groups and MSN communities. We've concentrated our attention on sites with a strong visual content (as many webmistresses say, 'You're only here for the pictures, aren't you?'), so don't be surprised if you don't leave the house for a couple of months.
If you get any pop-ups on this website, please note that this is because we're hosted by Geocities and is nothing to do with us. Geocities also hosts many of the sites that Girls Plus links to, and you may sometimes find that a site is temporarily inaccessible because it's reached its Geocities data transfer limit. If this is the case, give it an hour or so, and you should find the site that you want to visit is back up and running.
If you want to get in touch with us, please drop us a line at:
We remind you that some of the linked websites and groups may contain descriptions and images of an explicit sexual nature. By entering below, you declare that you have read and fully understood the WARNING PAGE and confirm that you are at least 21 years of age.













































































































































































































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