March 23rd, 2007
The Ghosts of Ghost Hunting, yet another piece by yours truly.

March 19th, 2007

January 23, 2007
Just letting everyone know about "Ye Old Mill" hunt going down tomorrow. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that it may even be our best one to date, here's hoping anyways. Until then yours truly decided it was about time for her to to join the voices speaking out as of late against the condition of the paranormal community so please swing by, Stick'en It To The Man. I'm sure it will be the first of many.

January 16th, 2007

Alright so last weekends ghost hunt went down as planned and let me tell you, in the history of duds this one takes the cake! Rule number one to ghost hunting, if it sounds too good to be true that's most likely because it is in fact too good to be true. No worries, we've got another hunt lined up for tomorrow and trust me when I say this one will not disappoint. Again I'm going to leave the set location a secret, but look for that hunt sometime next weekend.

January 6th, 2007
Stopping in to give everyone a heads up to the ghost hunt going down tonight. I have a feeling this ones going to be the weirdest hunt to date, considering the locations background centers around the Grim Reaper himself. Look for that one hopefully sometime early next week. For the time being if you're looking for an old school ghost hunt throwback go check out The Crypt for some of our old hunts. And since we're on the subject, look who we caught in a Photo Drive-by at Nicole's New-years Eve party! Oh yes, that's exactly who you think it is! Wish us luck tonight, we're gonna need it.

December 31st, 2006
Yes it's a little late, but it's done! Go check out
The Flats the very first KWPRS ghost hunt in two years cause it's a good one! Before hand make sure stop by the Info section for a little rant from yours truely. Have a wonderful newyears everyone!

December 27th, 2006
I know, I know, the sites a vacant tomb right now. It’s like Corey Feldman career after Goonies; a festering gully hole of nothingness. I’m doing my best to saddle up all those old hunts to herd them off into an archive section, I’m not exactly sure what saddle up means but I really wanted to use a cowboy metaphor. You get the picture I’m sure. We’ll also be adding some new sections as I’m sure you expected, and trust me when I say that they’ll be a lot better then that garbage ‘Talking to Strangers’ thing we just did. Strangers suck anyways.
For the time being this trusty narrator is excited to announce that tomorrow for the almost first time in just over two years us little ladies of the KWPRS will be doing what we do best, hunting some bad ass ghosts. That’s right tomorrow morning commences a day long/night long investigation of K-dubs infamous UNDISCLOSED LOCATION. I’m not, not telling you because I don’t love you, I do. It’s just the crazed lunatic drifters looking for girls to smother with plastic Zhears bags that I don’t love, and I don’t want to happen across one of them tomorrow while I’m crawling around in the dark. I can tell you this; there will be hiking involved, and potentially some good old fashioned peeing in the woods. Fun for the whole family I’d say. Look for that hunt up sometime Friday.
Until then, if you haven’t read it yet go check out
GHI’s Year in Review Newsletter, Abnormal. Thanks for the warm welcome back guys, and when those bitches from TAPS finally grow a pair and agree to your battle royale give us a call if you need some Ring Girls!