This web-site reflects the love that the writer has for upper Deeside. The original premise was to put forward research relating to the Gordons of Girnoc. However the stane-rickles and the whispering voices of the lost townships have tugged so hard upon the heart, that their stories have just beckoned to be told.

Folklore sprinkled with stories of the past - that is what Peter (The Dumfoonert Loon) hopes to present here.

The best way to find your way around is to follow your glen of interest. If you can add a story - family or otherwise, please let Peter know.
Glen Girnoc
Glen Feardar
Glen Muick Crathie
Glen Gairn Ballater
The Girnoc was once a well-populated glen, but now, abandoned farms and the ubiquitous "rickle o' stanes," are the only reminders of past Gordon families, who were, in the 18th and 19th centuries, "the occupants almost without exception." These families considered themselves under the special protection of their proprietors - The Gordons of Abergeldie - who in turn allowed them the sole tenancy of their estate for generations.

Reverend Stirton stated that the Gordon families of his parish were rather prone to club together, and an injury offered to one, brought the whole tribe upon the
"hapless offender." Perhaps this is not much to be wondered at, since they were all more or less connected, either by blood or marriage, frequently by both. In-fact people were wont to say of any inextricable problem, "Ye might as soon unravel the sibness o' the Gordons o' Girnock."

It would then, surely be, an act of utter madness for anyone to try and sort the scattered stones of this family. Madness then must have prevailed, for this writer has become the latest of a number of researchers who have taken on this challenge, which was first approached by Dr J.M. Bulloch at the very beginning of the last century.
The Bovagli Kailyards
The Girnoc is known as the "little rushing burn" a small mountain tributary of the Dee that runs through the remote glen of this writer's forebears. This was the home of the Gordons. 'The Gordons o' Girnoc.'
Tombstones in Upper Deeside
The Leys Family
'Camlet John'
The Oggs
'Camlet Francis'
The Angus Glens
'Camlet Peter'
The Deeside Researchers
'Camlet Joseph'
Contact Me
Peter Gordon in Balindory
Note: please delete the 3 x's from the beginning of the e-mail address. This is to avoid spam
This writer is not perfect, and undoubtedly there will be mistakes within this body of work. Transcription errors in particular are easy to make.

Much of the material contained can be attributed to the tremendous work of  past-researchers. Every effort has been made to ensure that the material printed is authorized by the original writer. Inevitably, given multiple sources and the passage of time, this has not always been  possible.  
Location Map
The Dumfoonert Loon
Beat the Drum, Fly the Night, Catch a Star!
Wonderful Moment
Useful Links
We counted seven Fairies
The Gordons of Abergeldie
Michael Francis Gordon
The Brolly Makers
The Dumfoonert Loon
Din-raisin wi' Donald
Donald Gordon and George Gordon,  two brothers both emigrated to West Virginia
The Airlie Castle Gardener
Looking for Arizona Gordons:
John Gordon & Robert Beck
Nathaniel Gordon Conundrum - please help
The Williams Family from Wales
The Georgesons from Watten
The Gibsons TheRutherfords
Last updated 15th May 2007
Have a picture of Kennetpans
- please contact me
The Baird Family of Bridge of Allan
*remember to remove three 'xxx' before e-mail address