Tube and Fabric Rudder Prototype
To be Continued
The Poly-brush is   applied next.......
  The final heat-tautning temperature is      used to uniformly pull the fabric tight
over the framework.....
  Care must be taken in smoothing out all   small impefections in the fabric....
  The first heat  tautning
I had gotten to this point of constructing  a Tube and Fabric rudder when I had a
back injury which has left me doing
small  menial tasks on my plane.........
  George and Carl discuss the next step in  the covering process....
  Carl fits a
gusset into
place after he
checks the
squareness of
the assembly.
Carl  fine files
the gussets prior
to drilling......
After hearing of my troubles with my
back many students,and former students
have graciously offered their time and
services to help me along with my plane..
   One such person is Carl Brown. He is a
co-owner of a 1946 FUNK fixed-wing
aircraft and E.A.A Chapter 914 President
   These photos and many more will help
show the progress as we proceed under
my watchful eye..............
   (my thanks to all of you !!)......