My Testimony
A part of my testimony
I was born in a traditional Hindu family-namely Brahmins, who are believed to be aryans, A very orthodox community, with their own  faiths and customs, Gods and Goddess, Principles. A community  which raised lots of intellects, businessmen, great politicians and  Guru's i.e. spiritual guru's. We have our own traditional books, Vedas, Agamas, Brahmanas, Upanishads. I was brought up by my  father and mother, my father a businessman and  my mother a home maker.  My grand fathers and grand mothers,  their sisters and brothers and relatives.  A very happy sorrounding, with my early  days like a deer running around the forest, with their parents, I  have a brother younger to me by  3 ½ years. As usual I too had  fallen into  wrong habits like  smoking, drinking, talking rubbish things, never respect elders, but I did have the fear of God, our  own God, and neglected Jesus Christ by all possible means.
The Holy Bibles were distributed free in our schools, we used to tear the papers of the bible and play while raining. We used to sing songs commenting Jesus Christ. I had a zeal for my own religion, my father and mother and everybody were like that, against Christ and his teachings. I was about to join a group, which hates christianity, and trained men to work against Christ and his beloved ones. My father on the other hand struggled in his business, we were affected financially, my father's friends cheated him, took his money.  My father's situation went serious day by day, all the happiness in my / our life is lost.
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