

LISP Programs

Expert Systems


  1. To sum all the even elements of the list
  2. (defun evensum ( l )

    (if (null l) 0)

    (if (evenp (car l)))

    (+ (car l) evensum(cdr l)))

    (evensum (cdr l))


  3. Sum all the elements upto n

(defun sumupto (a)

(if (equal '0 'a)

(+ '0 'a))

(+ 'a (sumupto (- 'a 1)))


3. Sum of squares of all the elements in the list

(defun squaresum (l)

(if (null l) ( )

(+ ( * (car l) (car l)) squaresum(cdr l))


4. Count the number of elements in a list

(defun noel (l)

(if (null l) 0)

(+ 1 (noel (cdr l)))


5. Sum all the elements upto n using iteration

(defun sumton (a)

(if (< n 0) nil)

(prog (sum)

(setq sum 0)


(if (zerop a) (return sum))

(setq sum (+ sum a))

(setq a (-a 1))

(go loop)



6. To return the Nth element of the list

(defun nthel (n l)

(if (< n 0) nil)

(prog ( )


(if (equal n 1) (return (car l)))

(setq n (- n 1))

(setq l (cdr l))

(go loop)



7. Write a LISP program addlist that takes as its arguments an element and a list.If the element is already in the list,the function returns the input list;otherwise it returns the list that includes the given element in the original list.

Example : (addlist 'c '(a,b,c,d)) = (a,b,c,d)

(addlist 'e '(a,b,c)) = (e,a,b,c)

(defun addlist(el lst)

(if (null lst) (return el))

(setq lst2 lst)

(prog ( )


(if (equal el(car lst2)) (return lst))

(setq lst2 (cdr lst))

(if (null lst2) (return (cons el lst)))

(go start)



8. Write a LISP program which reads five numbers,calculates their sum and the Nth power of individual numbers.The 2 results must be stored in 2 separate lists.

(defun sum&power( )

(setq n (read))

(setq n1 (read))

(setq n1p (power n n1))

(setq n2 (read))

(setq n2p (power n n2))

(setq n3 (read))

(setq n3p (power n n3))

(setq n4 (read))

(setq n4p (power n n4))

(setq n5 (read))

(setq n5p (power n n5))

(setq sum (+ n1 n2 n3 n4 n5))


(defun power (no val)

(setq count no)

(setq pow 1)

(prog ( )


(if ( <= count 0) (return pow))

(setq pow ( * val pow))

(setq count ( - count 1))

(go start)



9. Factorial - Recursion

(defun factorial (n)

(cond ((zerop n) 1)

(t ( * n (factorial ( - n 1))))



10. Factorial - Iterative

(defun factorial (n)

(do ((count n (- count 1))

(product n ( * product (- count 1))

((equal 0 count) product)



11. Write a LISP function max3 which finds maximum of 3 numbers.

(defun max3 (a b c)

(cond ((> a b) (cond ((> a c) a) (t c))

((> b c) b)

(t c)



12. Define the functions called left-rotate and right-rotate,these 2 functions takes a list and rotates the elements by one position as in

right-rotate '(a b c d) returns (d a b c)

left-rotate '(a b c d) returns(b c d a)

(defun right-rotate(lst)

(setq el(last lst))

(setq lst(reverse lst))

(setq lst(cdr lst))

(setq lst(reverse lst))

(setq lst(cons el lst))


(defun left-rotate(lst)

(setq el(car lst))

(setq lst(cdr lst))

(setq lst(list lst el))




LISP Programs

Expert Systems



Ó CodeEverywhere