Greetings and Welcome to Glenhaven Keep!

You have found the Home of the Druid. Within these Realms you will soon find Many things: Pictures of rumored Druid friends and associates, Poetry, Prose, Free thought, Homeopathic Remedies, Indexes of Crystals, Herbs, Astrological Charts, Lunar Calendar, Pagan Daybook, Biorhythm Charting, Oracles, Pagan Contact Directory, Pagan And Druidic Association links, there's even a place for you to request the Druids Council if the need arises. Somewhere on this site there's pictures of the Druid Himself, but their hidden and only a few have found them, so happy hunting!

While your visiting the Home of the Druid I only have one request, be kind, open minded and polite. Leaving childish and tactless remarks on my guestbook will only get you turned into a toadstool and placed in my garden for a lunar cycle while you ponder feeling stupid and inadequate to the Frogs and Butterfly's that scamper about as the Fairies and Gnomes make ready for the coming solstice.

So ,enjoy the works within my realm, feel free to refer my home on the net to anyone you think might enjoy my work, and be sure to leave your thoughts in my guestbook before you leave. I always enjoy company in my home, and I hope you visit often.

May the Eaves and Bough of the Oak Guard your way;
May the Mother take you back when your time has come:
And May Kerunnos Smile Warmly Upon your heart.

Aseraatic Bard & Brother

Zachaeria Tan'Ru

Oops - no Java!!!!




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