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Astrology: Its Pros and ConsFollowing our discussion of beliefs and powers of suggestion it would be appropriate to discuss the concepts and beliefs associated with astrology. (Please see Beliefs and Powers of Suggestion.) There is so much chaff in this area that it is difficult indeed to find the wheat. The ideas behind astrology are so old and so mixed with so many other beliefs in history that it becomes difficult to sort out what is astrology and what is something else. We would have to say that we find no scientific or cosmic or psychic basis for the popular beliefs in the concepts of astrology. However, if people enjoy the exercise of looking up "my-reading-for-today", there is no harm done, no one gets hurt, and we see no reason not to keep on doing it if the individual so wishes. But understand, whether you were born in February under sidereal time, or in July under clock-time, will not make any difference. When you publish the statements we just made about astrology, however, you are going to be about as popular as the skunk at a garden party. But the truth is the truth; we did not create it. We write it as we find it. There needs to be some exploration of an area of beliefs so world- wide and popular as astrology. If there is no real scientific basis for these concepts, or sets of concepts, why is it so popular? Let us pull back the sheet and see what is behind. We need to examine the basis for any belief. How does the belief come into existence through history? Out of early beliefs in gods and demons came many attempts to sort out, in some organized way, the beliefs and myths that had developed. In these efforts no assist from the scientific mind of today was available. Man simply took the beliefs of the time and he tried to arrange them in some order. He tried to give them meaning. He had no means by which to research, or to establish a theory to be used as a working model for his concepts. The basic beliefs were gradually founded in some logic and order. It was a good start in man's approach .to thinking in the abstract; it assisted his mental concepts in many ways. Mathematics and concern for the ideas he developed lead into later science. One would have expected that as astronomy developed the concepts of the vastness of the universe, the old ideas and man's beliefs in the influence of stars and planets would have fallen into step and the new science, astronomy, would have replaced the old. Man did not continue, not for too long, with the idea of the earth being f1at once he sailed around it. A few people got burned for presenting the new idea in the first place, but gradually the pieces fell into order. In the area of astrology, however, this did not happen. Man continued to believe in the direct influence on his mind and personality of stars he now knew were light-years away. He believed in the direct control of his good or bad fortune from planets he knew to be millions of miles away. From our point of view, this is a situation we find very difficult to understand. Man has a mind clever enough to calculate the vast dimensions of space. He has developed the technology, and calculated the trajectory to put himself on the moon. He understands an amazing amount of information concerning vast regions of the universe. All this, yet he still carries his little old security blanket from thousands of years back in history. A most amazing contrast in attitudes. The area we need to examine is the psychic relationship between man, his mind, and the physical universe in which he lives. There is no relationship of a psychic or natural nature between man's mind or personality and the outer stars -- beyond the region of the Sun and its planets. Now to what extent, if any, is a mind, a brain, a body, a will, a personality born at any particular time of the night, the day, or the year, influenced by the position of Earth, the other planets and/or the Sun? That is the question of astrology be or not to be? There is no relationship between the position of the planets and the personality. or the mind. or good or bad fortune at the time of the physical birth of a child. The personality is formed from the soul (the High-soul) and exists before birth. There is no way that the arrangements of the physical universe at the moment of birth can influence that personality. Its purpose for this lifetime has been given and will not change because of any conditions in the physical universe. This is the point where one has to decide for himself, or herself, to believe in the reality of the soul and its created personality, sent with a life- purpose into the earth to live out that assigned purpose in this given lifetime, or believe that the personality is a somewhat blank form to be programmed by the position of the sun and the planets and stars. You may believe one or the other, or neither. But you can not believe that both concepts exist juxtapose in the same personality. We are on record that the stars and the planets do not influence the human personality or its life-pattern. The sun is the greatest source of all energy in the earth; it is of a great influence in many physical ways. The question is, to what extent, if any, does it influence psychic energy and patterns in the earth, and in particular, in the personality? The answer here becomes more complex. The sun has vast energy, received by the earth, but it is in essence physical energy. There are no psychic radiations or vibrations being sent out from the sun to the earth. The response of the personality to this energy from the sun is psychic as well as physical. The body may heal because of the physical energy rays from the sun. The body may heal also because of the psychic energy created by the mind and personality in response to the physical energy being experienced by the body from the sun. Only the beliefs of the mind concerning the influence of the sun, or planets, or stars, can have any real influence on the personality, and its good or bad fortune. Beliefs are the controlling factor here. If you believe in anything with sufficient energy, the result will almost certainly justify the belief. If you believe that something ...anything, has power to control or influence your life-pattern, or health, or wealth, then the energy created in the free-mind of your own being will bring events into line with your belief, to the point that your belief in the "whatsoever" will seem to be justified. Now here is the clue to the reason for the popularity of astrology ...which in essence is a myth. The belief generates patterns, of thought in the mind and in the will, that very often brings the reality into focus. The individual is a convert to the belief in astrology for the remainder of his or her life. As we said at the beginning of the session, we see no great harm in believing in astrology if anyone desires to do so. You could, however, achieve the same and even better results simply by a clear and understood working-belief in the power of your own mind and will. Your very own mind and will is one of the most amazing sources of psychic energy in the entire physical universe. Why not recognize it for what it is, and put it to good use? We need to clear up some points to get our writer out of the "bear-pit" of attacks from great and famous believers in astrology. The popular, and sometimes lucrative, art of giving readings in public, or on television, by those who specialize in astrology often produces amazing results. The accuracy of "hits" are said to be "fantastic", and everyone, hopefully, goes away a believer. "Now, how do you explain that?" they will say. The explanation for why or how the prediction based on astrology is often accurate is contained in several areas of psychic phenomenon. First of all, we are assuming the astrologer is sincere and honest; we discard any resorting to dishonesty. The area of prediction is complex and not very accurate in most instance. The prediction says, "you will receive money in the near future". A month later old Uncle Charles, the absent- minded professor, returns some money he borrowed two years ago and had forgotten about. And you say, "My God! My prediction has come true". In fairness to the sincere astrologer, it may very well be that through his or her prediction ...and through it only, did you get your money back. How? Your own belief in the prediction is passed on to the deep psychic mind (your own). Your mind will be energized to set up a chain of psychic events that will include an ESP message to old Uncle Charlie's absent mind, reminding him that he still owes you the money and that he should make a point to pay you back. If you had never been given the prediction that you would receive money, the psychic event would not have been set in motion. And probably Charlie would have died owing you the money. When doing any form of psychic reading (which is what the astrologer's reading is, if he or she has real validity) there is a considerable amount of mind-reading taking place. The "reader" may, in all sincerity, believe the information is coming from certain arrangements of data related to astrology . In fact, the images are being picked up from the mind of the personality for whom the prediction is being given. For this type of astrologer, we have respect for his or her abilities and honesty ...many others are simply out and out frauds. As to the value of the average horoscope read in half the offices and kitchens from newspapers throughout the land every morning, we have this comment. If you enjoy it do it. No great harm should come from this little social pastime, and it is indeed much better than peddling gossip about one's friends and relatives. |