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A Premier Provider of Management Consultant & Training Solutions.
A Pocket PC Unified Body of Individuals in Singapore.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all Members for their constant support and contributions.
As always We walk in our careers with P.R.I.D.E. :-
P - Professionalism
R - Resourcefulness
I - Innovative
D - Dedication
E - Excellence
This Interest Group is not a Profit making Organisation. All members contribution proceeds goes to a mutual fund in the upgrading of this website facility.
Once this web site is fully operational, We will be commence publishing several Management Series Guides ranging from :-
-- Customer Service
-- Total Company Training Plans
-- Selling Techniques
-- Communication Techniques
-- Presentation Techniques
-- Teambuilding
-- IQ, EQ, AQ and SQ.
News Periodical
World News
HR Role in managing morale after a tragedy
No matter which country you live in, everyone seems to know someone directly victimized by Sept. 11's terrorist attacks. All of us have been affected psychologically one way or the other. As human resources professionals, it is our job to help employees deal with this tragedy and help life go on as usual.
Employers and employees alike within the area from New York City, Washington D.C. and Somerset, Pa., are still deeply affected psychologically by the horrific terrorist attacks of Sept. 11. Businesses must respond constructively in helping workers overcome this American tragedy. Terrorist attacks deeply wounded both the American psyche and economy worldwide. In its aftermath, many employees are frightened and confused with alternating mixed feelings of sadness, depression and outright rage. It is therefore imperative for the American business community to assume a position of leadership in helping employees return to a sense of normalcy and level of comfort in their professional and private lives.
Psychological aftershocks.
Managing Morale during Recession when Companies go downsizing or re-structuring
Mergers, layoffs, reorganizations, and downsizing all take their toll on the employees who survive them. Whatever you call these personnel changes, the result is the same - traumatized workers.
You might assume that the people who remain with the company would be grateful to still have their jobs. In fact, they may need some of the same attention, emotional support, and counselling as laid-off employees. After all, many of their friends and co-workers are gone, their workloads have increased, and their status with the company seems more uncertain than ever.
Building trade show booth traffic actually starts well before you start setting up your booth. Begin by selecting which shows you plan to attend carefully. Ask the following questions to evaluate which shows warrant your participation.
If your company or client is in the market for international IT staff, there's a tremendously effective and economical recruiting tool immediately at hand -- your corporate Web site. Firms large and small rely on their online presence to advertise available jobs and provide a worldwide window into the corporate culture. But a site designed with only U.S. candidates in mind can become a handicap when international candidates are also being sought.
There are tremendous benefits to international recruiting on the World Wide Web, but it can be a daunting and ineffective undertaking if companies don't take into consideration the various cultural and technical issues involved. As the worldwide talent pool becomes more competitive, and businesses continue to expand globally, the need to develop creative, culturally sensitive Web-based recruiting strategies becomes critical.
The Training philosophy of an organisation expresses the degree of importance it attaches to training and development of employees. Some firms adopt a laissez-faire approach, believing that employees will find out what to do for themselves or through, in the old phrase, ?sitting by Nellie?. If this sort of firm suffers a skill shortage, it is remedied by recruiting from firms who do invest in training. Other Companies pay lip services to training and indiscriminately allocate money to it in the good times. But in the bad times these firms are the first to cut their training budgets.
Organisations with a positive training and development philosophy understands that they live in a world where competitive advantage is achieved by having higher quality people than other firms, and this need will not be satisfied unless they invest in developing the skills and competency level of their employees. These firms recognize the actual or potential skills shortages can threaten their business future prosperity and growth. In hard commercial terms, these firms persuade themselves that training is an investment and will pay off in the long run. It may be difficult to calculate the return on that investment but they believe that the tangible and intangible benefits of training will more than justify the cost.
You've been there. We've all been there. The manager who bullies, threatens, yells. The manager whose mood swings determine the climate of the office on any given workday. Who forces employees to whisper in sympathy in cubicles and hallways. The backbiting, belittling boss from hell. Call it what you want -- poor interpersonal skills, unfortunate office practices -- but some people, by sheer, shameful force of their personalities, make working for them rotten. We call them toxic managers. Their results may look fine on paper, but the fact is, all is not well if you have one loose in your workforce: It's unhealthy, unproductive and will eventually undo HR's efforts to create a healthy, happy and progressive workplace. Why are some managers toxic -- and why should HR care?
A big Thank You to all Supporters for the past few years.
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