McDonalds Workers Resistance...
October 16th 2002, Global Day of Action
"We don't take shit, we make it"- Midlands MWR

October 16th 2002 is the date of the first ever international mobilisation by the McDonald's workforce as we take direct action around the world as part of the annual
Global Day of Action Against McDonald's. Want to know the background? Read the initial call to action produced by Glasgow McDonald's Workers' Resistance. A full proposal produced a short time later and a subsequent call to action.

Want to get involved? See
thoughts on actions by McDonald's workers, or thoughts on actions if you don't have your free uniform.
Why are we taking this action?
What do we hope to achieve?
What's planned so far?
Other relevant stuff
LEAFLET (print it out, hand it out) MWR leaflet
Please do some sort of action on October 16th and please, please, however small what you do may seem, let us know about it... Please send e-mails to both:

or call us on: ((00) 44) 07732 531 196