You may be asking yourself, especially if you've been here in the first few days this site has been up. I believe it's time for me to set the record straight. To get all my goats in a row, sort to speak.
It's been four years since my last website. I had just started college when I started it. The website interfered with my college education and I let slack the progress of my website and a year or so down the road America Online did not approve of the content on my site and it down.
A lot of things were going on in my life (i.e. college, partying, large amounts of odd substances, and more partying) and I really didn't feel like spending my time online and I did not have a computer in my new apartment.
So after dropping a lot of LSD and smoking what seemed to be a crop of marijuana I decided it was time for me to move elsewhere. So I moved from the southern depths of Texas and am now living in the midwest. I left Texas because I was way in too deep with the whole drug and party scene. In other words the only thing I could do was run away.
Here I am. A 22 year old demented and somewhat jaded soul living in Kansas of all places. Kansas?? What the HELL am I doing here? Not much. Not as much as I was doing in south Texas and that's a good thing. Besides, marijuana made me paranoid and anxious and one of the main reasons I was smoking was to fit in. Another reason was, though I did not know it at the time, I forgot how to do anything else but to get high and party. |
With all of that said and done, I haven't discussed why this site is up. An excuse would be boredom but the reason would be to take advantage of the net and speak my mind. To expose other people to ideas which may seem obscure and to websites which society may deem taboo or vile.
As for me, I thoroughly enjoy reading about odd things. Topics which are not mainstream.I do not condone cannibalism however the idea of and reasons why animals eat the meat of their own species intrigues me.
Some of the sites which I have links to contain some content that I do not agree with. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Relativity is the key here. Relativity is an idea I hope to keep on the surface as this web site grows.
Anyhow, either enjoy this page or be completely disgusted by it. Stimulus response, stimulis response. But don't hold me responsible for what you see on anything that does not appear on my website. Feel free to email me at |
How sad does it look for a 21 year old to be doing anything just in hopes to be accepted? Very.So I quit.I had to. That's not to say I am now completely against marijuana and think that everyone should quit and be sober. Nah, I just couldn't control it. I'm lousy when it comes to moderation. So, smoke 'em if you got 'em. |