onLoad="window.onresize=new Function('if (navigator.appVersion==\'Netscape\') history.go(0); else center();'); center();"> Abominator, Aussie War Metal, Review, Damnations Prophecy
Abominator - Damnations Prophecy
Necropolis, 1999
Abominator are a three piece Aussie War-Metal band featuring Damon Bloodstorm ex-Bestial Warlust. The band don’t stray too far from Bloodstorm’s old band’s style or approach, focusing on  brutality and extremity over any technicality or melody. Musically Abominator use repetitive riffing which gradually builds up throughout the songs, with heavy groove driven breaks not so dissimilar to Aussie compatriots Blood Duster. Lyrically its all about war, chaos and destruction with a satanic slant, with harsh scratchy vocals (ala Angelcorpse) backed up by more traditional guttural growls. Where Abomintor fall short is in the song writing department, playing ‘Damnations Prophecy’ as a whole can become tiresome and enduring  with most tracks sounding a little too similar and not display enough variation in either the structuring or vocal delivery. Also clocking in at 56 minutes is also not helping the cause with most songs entering the 4-5 minute mark, a little too long for this style of brutal death. Overall not a crap release just a bit overbearing in length and lack originality. Still good to see an Aussie band signed overseas and hopefully their next effort will pack a better punch.
Favourite Tracks - Unholy Consecration, Activate the Anarchus.
Rating - 6/10
Official Website