Catacomb  'Abyss Of Shadows'
Self Released , 2000
Lord Pale :
Four song demo Cd by Australian blackmetallers Catacomb. Abyss Of Shadows runs parallel to the musical realms of 'Stormblast' era Dimmu Borgir, and 'Born Of The Flickering' era Old Man's Child, except for the lo-fi demo production. Keyboards are dominant throughout the album but not the mix, each element of the music is clearly defined. The songs don't follow tradtional metal structuring, rather than the verse/chorus school of song writing, Catacomb's songs play as a whole through variying tempo shifts and breaks segmenting the songs whilst retaining their flow. Acoustic passages and synth breaks feature highly throughout the disc giving the impression that Catacomb know how to write a decent track, but at this stage I will have to wait for an album before I judge them against the rest of the growing tide of light synth mellow blackmetal.
Favourite Tracks - Following The Call , Somewhere On The Astral Plane , Awake And Greet Night
Mark - 7/10
Official Website