Cohort - Drawn & Quartered
Warhead, 1996
Truly a band that sums up Whyalla the most. Death Metal at its rawest, ugliest best. They landed a deal with Warhead after their 'Near Death Experience' demo went huge in Canada, much to their and everyone elses surprise. Drawn and Quartered sees the band move into more Death Metal territory after displaying a thrashier sound on their 'Metal Mania' tracks. The album has a definite early ninties death sound with Obituary and Deicide coming to mind. The album is hamperd with bad production (due to being recorded at the local high school) and effects are used on the vocals to make them sound harshier (still they are better than earlier attempts at singing from Mr James). They got in some shit with locals and appeared on Seven Nightly News for their song 'Homophobic' with such beautiful lyrics as "Hunting for the prey / Sickening fucks we'll slay / Faggot blood will spray" lovely lads. Overall as cult and nasty Death band as one can find, one for all those freaks who like to collect obscure, extreme metal.
Favourite Tracks - Communal Grave, Swarm, The Nucleii
Rating - 7/10