Korovakill  'Waterhells'
Red Stream, 2001
Lord Pale :
Upon first hearing about Waterhells I was intriged, a concept album about drowned fishermen based on Austrian folklore. My intrigue was turned to satifaction upon hearing Korovakill for the first time and the album was as twisted as I had hoped. Broken into 13 tracks (a few of which are musicals), Waterhells tells of the fishermen's warped tale. Incorporating a mix of blackmetal, clean, and female vocals in a variety of fashions that enchant the listener, Korovakill firmly root the listeners attention. Bizarre keyboard sounds and occasional beat boxes float around a solid base of thrash inspired chugging riffs. The deep, clean, male vocals sound very peculiar but original as they wail inviting hymns to the dark ocean's depths. A satisfingly fresh take on blackened/darkmetal,  with an appealing concept that drags you into its morbid storyline. Overall a worthy purchase and a unique attmept at something different .
Favourite Tracks - Waterhells, It's A Fools World, Lord Golden Blizzard
Mark - 8/10
Official Website