Abigor  ‘Supreme Immortal Art’
Napalm , 1998
Lord Pale :
Austrian blackmetal legends Abigor return with their most complex release to date , unfortunately it is plagued by a rather poor production which over highlights the synth and drowns out the drums almost completely . Supreme Immortal Art contains much more synth than the bands previous releases and the music is more broken with shifting riffs and tempos than before making it much harder to digest . Lyrically the band chew through some fairly strange satanic themes , but for the most part the vocalist has a rather unintelligible rasp that spoils the otherwise well written verse . At times this album musically reminds me simultaneously of Emperor’s ‘In The Nightside Eclipse’ and ‘Anthems To The Welkin At Dusk’ but only in certain riffs and fragments however , the sound displayed within is totally unique and quite interesting . Unfortunately due to the unevenness of the tracks and the lack of consistent flow many of the good ideas presented by the band on this release will wash over the listener under the shameful production job . Overall pretty good , but not my thing .
Favourite Tracks – Soil Of Souls , Supreme Immortal Art , Exhausted Remnants
Mark – 6/10
Official Website