Oligarquia ‘Nechropolis’
Destroyer, 2000
When I first looked at the cover art work and photos of the band I immediately started to think of Symphonic Black Metal, however looks may be deceiving. In actual fact Oligarquia play a brand of old school death metal splashed with eighties thrash that will have all the long time appreciators of the scene grinning with recognition. The mid paced death metal offered on ‘Nechropolis’ fits in nicely with the Obituary/Bolt Thrower school of death with heavy crunching/rumbling guitars and slow deliberate vocals. When Alex the vocalist does decided to scream however it is reminiscent of Mr Tardy in his prime and also brings to mind the style utilised by Unleased. The only problem is that we are no longer in the eighties/early nineties and this brand of death metal has long since evolved beyond its initial limited boundaries. Another short coming of Oligarquia is their lyrics which are often short and repetitive and fail to flow within the song structures,  maybe this is due to English not being their first language if so I would love to hear some of the songs reinterpreted in their own native language. Overall ‘Nechropolis’ is good for what it is, a kick arse death metal album in the old school vein, it just lacks originality and variation when compared to today’s scene and heavy hitters.
Favourite Tracks - Crucial Moment, Ecstasy
Mark - 6/10

Note: Carolina Parada is one of the guitarists that help make up the brutality of Oligarquia. Its good to see more women surfacing within the death metal ranks, it can only mean good things for the scene.
Official Website