The Amenta ‘Mictlan’ Self Released, 2002 Gloon: ‘The Amenta – a new age in extremism’ so reads the promo spiel accompanying this awesome MCD debut from Australia’s newest Deathsters The Amenta, and how appropriate those few words read. ‘Mictlan’ features three tracks, two songs proper and a musical outro and manages to make a lasting impression throughout the sparse 11 minutes of musical carnage. Musically its heavy chugging death metal interlaced with intricate black metal riffage and atmospheric keyboards/samples with vocals sounding similar to former Cryptopsy screamer Mike DeSalvo. The Amenta take a lead from Nile in delving into the ancient past for inspiration both conceptually and lyrically, though unlike Nile they are not confined by one race’s mythology and texts. The first track ‘Mictlan’ is based around the Aztect underworld and the culture’s depiction of hell, while ‘Ennea’ or the Greek word for nine, focuses on the Greek mythology of Hades and its surrounding rivers The Acheron, Cocytus, Phlegethon, Lethe and the Styx. The Amenta come armed with all the weapons for success: great music, intriguing concepts and great presentation and pride in their work. Overall the Amenta show a professionalism and level of commitment which hopefully see them gain appeal and respect throughout the local scene as well as beyond our shores. What is the Amenta? Unfortunately no one can be told what the Amenta is, you will have to hear it for yourself. Favourite Tracks – All Rating – 8.5/10 The Amenta ‘Occasus’ Listenable, 2004 Tyrant: Zyklon meets Red Harvest in a head butting contest would be one way of describing The Amenta’s debut album of cyber death/black metal. Heavy brutal riffs intermingle with hypnotic blackmetal components and ambient keyboard passages under the incessant bludgeoning of aggressive blast beats. Deep growling vocals vent messages of bleak future scenarios and the decay of modern life with influences from Aztec and Egyptian myth’s. The only area for improvement in Occasus is the vocal delivery, which becomes repetitive and with more variation would enhance the overall sound. Overall a strong album and worthy follow up to their Mictlan demo. Favourite Tracks – Zero ; Sekem ; Mictlan Mark – 7.5/10 |
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