My name is Mary Metobo. I am the founder and Director of the Motherly Care Children’s Home in Nairobi, Kenya. East Africa.
For 26 years I was employed as Office Administrator for the African Wildlife Foundation in Nairobi. The valuable experience I gained, in many areas of Management, has stood me in good stead for my present role in administering to the needs of Kenys’s homeless and abandoned children.
The number of homeless children increases daily. Agencies and services to cater to their needs are very, very limited. It ignore the present situation is heartless and inhumane.
With my own resources and some limited aid from ADRA funds I have been able to establish a home, now under construction, on the outskirts of Nairobi. It is a humble structure but homes are not only built with wood and stone; they are built on a foundation of love, support and caring.
At present we have 40 children but the home, when completed, will have the capaciity to house some 100 children. This is only a drop in the bucket but if we succeed it will give encouragement and be a model for other such homes to be established.
Helping the children, as they grow, to learn skills that will enable them to eventually care for themselves is one of the most important corner stones of the foundation.
Although we are a Christion orientated Organization, under the guidance of the Seventh Day Adventist Church, no child will be turned away because of race, tribe, religion or color.
If you are affiliated with a Church, School or Political Organization or if you are just a compassionate individual you can help this cause by making a donation. Knowing you have helped a child survive will give you great satisfaction.
I thank you in the name of the children.
Mary Metobo
Financial Contributions can be sent to: Mary Metobo, Director
e-mail: Metobom@yahoo.com Registered with the Kenyan Government |