!!!!!!!!!MINI SATINS!!!!!!!!!
After searching to no avail for the past 3 years, I have finally gotten a pair of red MINI SATINS!!!  These are one of my favorite breeds, and I am elated to have them.  A huge thank you goes out to Todd Wolff for having these for sale at the Ohio State Mini-Convention.  Pictures will be coming soon of my 2 new toys!  :-P
DW8 - Wolff's Dr. Franknfurter
Frank is the big man on campus!  He has a nice body, beutiful color, and a winning personality.  Hope the girls like him as much as I do!
8C2 - Lackey's Columbia
Columbia is a super friendly girl.  She is a little bigger, and her color is light, but combined with Frank, the babies should have nice color.  She will probably be going to live with a good friend, Jes Bielejewski, of Trenton, NJ, who wants to get into this wonderful breed with me!
This page last updated on 07/01/2002