I have 4 cats, Picabo Claira (Gato), Elmo Calvin, Lacey (Kitten), and Theodore Jacek (Teddy). Gato, and Lacey are dshs, Elmo is a Ragdoll, and Teddy is a dlh. Gato is 10 years old, weighs 9 lbs., and is a tortoise shell. She is very sweet. She was a stray, and she had a crooked jaw when we found her. The jaw never healed, so she tends to have some trouble eating certain kinds of food. Elmo is 8 years old, weighs 17 lbs., and is a blue bicolor. He is absolutely gorgeous. He is exceptionally sweet. He is a typical Ragdoll, and will go limp in your arms. He came from a shelter in Pomona, NY, and had some emotional problems, which are just now starting to go away. Lacey is 4 years old, weighs 12 lbs, and is a tortoise shell. She is a menace. Once she knocked over my fishbowl while I wasn't home. When I got back, I found the fish still alive and put him back in water. He swam lopsided after that. Lacey came from the former secretary at our county's 4H office. Teddy is 1 year old, weighs 12 lbs., and is orange. His most distinguishing feature are his feet- Teddy is a polydactyl, also known as a Hemingway cat! What that means is that he has an extra toe on each front foot. He looks like he's wearing mittens. It's absolutely adorable. He is so playful and sweet. I am in absolute love with this cat. No words to describe it. I want to spend every waking moment with him. I can't wait to take him to nursing homes. He came from my grandfather's house in Lamar, PA. THANK YOU SO MUCH TO THE CAREYS FOR KEEPING TEDDY FOR ME UNTIL I COULD GET HIM!! Picture of Teddy coming soon! |