I suppose my last post was rather harsh but it was how I felt at the time so I let it all out. I don't feel angry today. My anger in regards to the church really flucuates.
I wanted to cite a quote I read recently that I like by Elder Wirthlin:
"May I extend a word of caution? There are those who feel that if we follow the Savior, our lives will be free from worry, pain, and fear. This is not so! The Savior Himself was described as a man of sorrows.8 Those early disciples who followed the Christ experienced great persecution and trials. The Prophet Joseph Smith was no exception. Nor were the other early Saints of this last dispensation. And it is no different today." (April 2002)
This quote has helped me handle hardships better since I read it. Sometimes I think I have been persuaded by talks at church to believe that the gospel is all bliss and roses. Trying to believe that when butting up against real life has frustrated me at times.