Why doesn't the 2nd article of faith relate to the Priesthood being given to all worthy males?

The 2nd article of faith states: "We believe that men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam’s transgression."

Everyone agrees in the church that children are pure. Why did the type of melanin in your skin make a person incapable of holding the priesthood in the church?

It seems to me that you are punishing a person who had nothing to do with there skin color when you witheld the priesthood from them. The whole issue of curses in the scriptures perplexes me. Why should a person be punished for something they had nothing to do with. Children are so pure, yet before 1978 did something happen to black brethren in the church between the ages of 8 and 12 that made them incapable of holding the priesthood? I think not. Yet worthy males were prevented from serving as Priesthood brothers because of something that had absolutely nothing to do with them.

We are not punished for Adam's transgression, why are we sometimes punished, cursed or witheld from blessings because of circumstances out of our control?

In all fairness, there are growing numbers of African American members in the church. For one of my friends the Priesthood issue was not a big deal to him because he gained his testimony independent of that. I also wanted to mention that I had a companion during my mission that told me his dad was excommunicated from the church for not accepting the 1978 declaration that dealt with extending temple and priesthood priveledges to all worthy males. The church has left the issue in the past and has disciplined members who did not accept it.

initially posted - 01Feb2003, updated 10May03
