Welcome to  'Essence of the Goddess'. Here you will find all of  my wallpapers, websites, fanlists I've joined, and the wonderful journal of me: a high school student, Wiccan, Capricorn, obsessed with Buffy, Lord of the Rings, CardCaptor Sakura, Final Fantasy VIII and Battle Royale; and a big geek, who's in love with Orlando Bloom and Li Shaoran. Tee hee.

New Layout again!!! Since everyone says I am *the* Selphie, I figured I would make my layout Selphie. I heart it very very much, heehee. *cheesy grin*

Thanks, and don't forget to sign the guestbook ! ^_^


[ << # thetuesdaythreesome ? >> ]
I Identify with: Willow
to Aragorn
Last updated: 04/10/04
game gurlz¨Selphie
Contact Me:
AIM: MagickLeeDLishus

YIM: missdru17
Current Desktop:
05/25/04- Lotr: Rotk on DVD
05/25/04-Buffy Season 6 DVD
05/26-28/04-Exams -_-;
05/28/04-End of School!!!