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Fringe Players


Minor League Seasons

Version 12 Updates Page


Logo and Picture/Alias Files

Version 11 Updates Page

Version 10 Updates Page

Fringe Player Sets

Season Patches

Season Roster Sheets

Deluxe Ballparks 0-4
Deluxe Ballparks 5-9
Deluxe Ballparks 10-14
Deluxe Ballparks 15-19
Deluxe Ballparks 20-24
Deluxe Ballparks 25-29
Deluxe Ballparks 30-34
Deluxe Ballparks 35-39
Deluxe Ballparks 40-44
Deluxe Ballparks 45-49
Deluxe Ballparks 50-54
Deluxe Ballparks 55-59
Deluxe Ballparks 60-64
Deluxe Ballparks 65-69
Deluxe Ballparks 70-74
Deluxe Ballparks 75-79
Deluxe Ballparks 80-84
Deluxe Ballparks 85-89
Deluxe Ballparks 90-94
Deluxe Ballparks 95-99

Regular Ballparks #1
Regular Ballparks #2
Regular Ballparks #3
Regular Ballparks #4

Ballparks Ratings

Minor League BPs

Stadium Backdrops



SOM Baseball Info

SOM Schedule, 'As Played' Page

Career Historical Seasons

Japanese Baseball Seasons

Japanese Baseball Stadiums

All-American Girls Professional Baseball

Board Game Stuff

Pitcher Hitting Cards

Game Sounds

Player Ratings


Strat-O-Matic Links

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E-Mail Gary

Sandie Award Proud winner of the Webring Site of the Month for January, 2002 "Sandie Award"

Welcome to my Strat-O-Matic Baseball Fringe Players Page. Included on this page is a variety of fringe player sets created for use with the Strat-O-Matic Computer Baseball game. All of the content is free for you to use.

Please remember that the Strat-O-Matic Game company produces our favorite games and that we should continue to help support them. This site is intended to enhance your game playing experience and in turn increase interest in SOM games.

HELP: How do I use these fringe players?

The fringe players are players that SOM didn't include on their standard roster disk. To download a particular set of fringe players, choose the set you want and click on the floppy disk icon.

I usually unzip the season into a temporary directory and then copy the files to my SOM rosters directory. You need an unzip program (such as WinZip) to access the individual season fringe player roster files.

CAUTION: Its a good idea to backup your SOM rosters directory before adding or changing files.

Using "My Computer" or using "windows explorer" (not Internet Explorer):

Create a new folder and choose an appropriate name (i.e. somRostersBackup)
Go to the SOM rosters folder (i.e. c:\cdrombb\rosters)
Choose Edit-> Select All
Choose Edit-> Copy
Go to the newly created folder (i.e. c:\somRostersBackup)
Choose Edit-> Paste
Backup is now complete

Create another new folder and choose an appropriate name (i.e. fringe1969)
Use Winzip to unzip the season into the new folder.
Some of the fringe player files contain multiple zip files. You will need to unzip each file.
Select all the files in the folder and copy them.
Go to the SOM rosters folder (i.e. c:\cdrombb\rosters)
Paste the copied files into the rosters directory

Start SOM and you will see one or more new seasons. (i.e. 1969 Xtras)
Using SOMs copy and paste, copy and paste the players you want to the league / teams that you want to add fringe players.

Many of the fringe sets have been developed to work in conjunction with the "As Played" files. The "As Played" files let you recreate a particular season with the exact lineups that were used and the proper transactions that occurred during the season. All the fringe player sets can be used regardless of how you choose to re-play your season (with or without the "As Played" files).

Notes on the files:

Complete : These files contain ALL players not included on the SOM roster disk. They are suitable for all type of play, and they are required for AS PLAYED replays.

REVISED : These files have been updated since their original posting here. Hitter cards have been modified to better reflect various results like Left/ Right splits. A certain amount of cards have been Hand Entered to avoid the 12 player fringe limit, thereby allowing for unfettered play.

Please note that we shall be updating many of the Complete sets to REVISED over time. Watch for announcements on the main page. We recommend that you upgrade your fringe rosters when a set is REVISED if the prior set is not in use.

The 1972 fringe players by Hasselwander, use the SOM Career Historical Disk set to create these fringe players. You will need to own the CHD set to use these sets / players.

Fringe Players for Strat-O-Matic Computer Baseball Seasons

Download Author Description
Gary Simonds 1900-1960 Old Timer Fringe Players (42 Team Set) - Copy and paste these players to their respective teams.
Len Durrant 1927 Complete, Revised - Hand Entered by Len
Len Durrant 1930 Complete, Revised - Hand Entered by Len
Len Durrant 1934 Complete, Revised, PAH - Hand Entered by Len + Gary
Len Durrant 1941 AL and NL Complete, Revised - Hand Entered by Len
Len Durrant 1950 Complete, Revised - Hand Entered by Len. Improved 10/03.
Len Durrant 1954 Complete, Revised, PAH - Hand Entered by Len + Gary
Len Durrant 1956 Complete, Revised - Hand Entered by Len. Improved 11/03.
Len Durrant 1959 Complete, Revised - Hand Entered by Ken Wenger. Improved 2/04.
Len Durrant 1961 Complete, Revised* - Hand Entered by Champ Kerr. *Only the pitchers cards have been HE/R.
Len Durrant 1962 Complete, Revised - Hand Entered by Tom Wilcox, Pitchers improved 11/03.
Len Durrant 1967 AL & NL Complete, Revised - Hand entered by Len
NL AL Len Durrant 1968 AL Complete, Revised - Hand entered by Len
1968 NL Complete - NL pitching cards REVISED 3/04
Len Durrant 1969 Complete, Revised - Hand Entered by Len. Expanded 12/03.
Len Durrant 1970 Complete, Revised - Hand entered by Len
Len Durrant 1971 Complete, Revised, PAH - Hand Entered by Len + Gary
Len Durrant 1972 AL & NL Complete, Revised - Hand Entered by Len
Eric Hasselwander 1972 AL & NL - Some of the fringe players are generated from the CHD set. Eric's E-rating formulas, WP/Balk and Saves are described here 1972 Readme His actual player ratings 1972 Ratings
Len Durrant 1973 Complete, Revised, Fixed - Hand Entered by Len
Len Durrant 1974 Complete, Revised - Hand Entered by Len. Updated 1 card 1/04.
Len Durrant 1975 Complete, Revised - Hand Entered by Len
Derrick Beckner 1976 AL & NL + Advanced Ratings, Rosters and Transactions
Len Durrant 1976 Complete, Revised - Hand Entered by Len
Len Durrant 1977 Complete, Revised - Hand Entered by Dave Jackson
Len Durrant 1978 Complete, Revised - Also includes the STRAT FAN cards. Hand Entered by Len (ML); Larry Foster (SF).
Len Durrant 1979 Complete, Revised - Hand Entered by Len
Len Durrant 1980 Complete, Revised - Hand Entered by Len
Len Durrant 1981 Complete
Len Durrant 1982 Complete, Revised - Hand Entered by Len
Len Durrant 1983 Complete, Revised - Hand Entered by Len
Len Durrant 1984 Complete, Revised - Also includes the STRAT FAN cards (AL SF here for the 1st time). Hand Entered by Len (ML); Stu Blake + Ken Wenger (SF).
Len Durrant 1985 Complete
Derrick Beckner 1986 AL & NL Fringe Players - includes printouts of the roster reports, free agent display and the transactions.
Len Durrant 1986 Complete
Len Durrant 1987 Complete, Revised - Also includes the STRAT FAN cards. Hand Entered by Len (ML) + Ken Wenger (SF).
Gary Kent 1988 AL and NL Fringe Players with a schedule and a transaction file which lists trades and disabled list time
Len Durrant 1988 Complete
Len Durrant 1989 Complete
Len Durrant 1990 Complete
Len Durrant 1991 Complete
NL AL Len Durrant 1992 Complete, Revised - Hand Entered by Len
Len Durrant 1995 Complete, Revised - (adds 3 players), Hand Entered by Len
Len Durrant 1996 Complete, Revised - (adds 8 players), Hand Entered by Len

Strat-O-Matic Roster Error Fixes

Download Author Description
Len Durrant Fixes for 1981 Jerry Augustine and for 1985 Bert Blyleven, Charlie Hough, Jeff Burroughs, + Andy McGaffigan. The players are under Free Agents. Use them to correct the corrupted files from those roster disks.

  Gary's Strat-O-Matic Baseball Website