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Deluxe Ballparks 0-4
Deluxe Ballparks 5-9
Deluxe Ballparks 10-14
Deluxe Ballparks 15-19
Deluxe Ballparks 20-24
Deluxe Ballparks 25-29
Deluxe Ballparks 30-34
Deluxe Ballparks 35-39
Deluxe Ballparks 40-44
Deluxe Ballparks 45-49
Deluxe Ballparks 50-54
Deluxe Ballparks 55-59
Deluxe Ballparks 60-64
Deluxe Ballparks 65-69
Deluxe Ballparks 70-74
Deluxe Ballparks 75-79
Deluxe Ballparks 80-84
Deluxe Ballparks 85-89
Deluxe Ballparks 90-94
Deluxe Ballparks 95-99

Regular Ballparks #1
Regular Ballparks #2
Regular Ballparks #3
Regular Ballparks #4

Ballparks Ratings

Minor League BPs

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  • 1972 Pitcher Ratings may be found in the 1972 Fringe File
  • 1976 Pitcher Catcher Ratings may be found in the 1976 Fringe File
  • 1985 Pitcher Catcher Ratings may be found in the 1985 Fringe File
  • 1986 Pitcher Catcher Ratings may be found in the 1986 Fringe File

SOM Player Ratings

Download Author Description
Brad Cummings 1971-1974, 1976 Batter Advanced Fielding ratings and Pitcher balk, wp, closer and fielding ratings. These are text files for board gamers to update their existing card sets.
E. Hasselwander 1901 Pitcher Bunt and Steal Ratings only
E. Hasselwander 1912 Pitcher Balk WP Closer Fielding Bunt and Steal Ratings
E. Hasselwander 1928 Pitcher Balk WP Closer Fielding Bunt and Steal Ratings
E. Hasselwander 1929 Pitcher Bunt and Steal Ratings only
Len Durrant
1930 Pitcher Steal Ratings
E. Hasselwander 1938 Pitcher Bunt and Steal Ratings only
E. Hasselwander 1940 Pitcher Bunt and Steal Ratings only
E. Hasselwander 1946 & 1947 Pitcher Bunt and Steal Ratings only
E. Hasselwander 1948 Pitcher Bunt and Steal Ratings only
Len Durrant 1950 Pitcher Balk WP Closer Fielding Bunt and Steal Ratings
Len Durrant
1950 Catcher PB Ratings
E. Hasselwander 1951 Pitcher Balk WP Closer Fielding Bunt and Steal Ratings
Len Durrant 1954 Pitcher Fielding Ratings
E. Hasselwander 1955 Pitcher Balk WP Closer Fielding Bunt and Steal Ratings
Len Durrant 1956 Pitcher Balk WP Closer Fielding Bunt and Steal Ratings
Len Durrant
1956 Catcher PB Ratings
E. Hasselwander 1957 Pitcher Balk WP Closer Fielding Bunt and Steal Ratings
Len Durrant
1959 Pitcher Steal Ratings
Len Durrant 1961 Pitcher Balk WP Closer Fielding Bunt and Steal Ratings
Len Durrant
1961 Catcher PB Ratings
Gary Kent
1961 Pitcher Hold, Balk, WP, Range, Bunt, Run Ratings - Excel file
Ed Williams
1962 Pitcher Hold, Balk, WP, Range, Bunt, Run Ratings - Excel file
Len Durrant
1962 Pitcher Balk WP Closer Fielding and Bunt Ratings and catcher PB
Len Durrant
1962 Pitcher Steal Ratings
E. Hasselwander 1963 Pitcher Bunt and Steal Ratings only
E. Hasselwander 1966 Pitcher Bunt and Steal Ratings only
Len Durrant
1967 Pitcher Steal Ratings
Len Durrant
1968 Pitcher Balk WP Closer Fielding and Bunt Ratings and catcher PB
Len Durrant
1968 Pitcher Steal Ratings
Ed Williams
1968 Pitcher Hold, Balk, WP, Range, Bunt, Run Ratings - Excel file
Brad Cummings
1969 Pitcher Hold, Balk, WP, Range, Bunt, Run Ratings - Excel file
Len Durrant
1969 Pitcher Balk WP Closer Fielding and Bunt Ratings and catcher PB
Len Durrant
1969 Pitcher Steal Ratings
Len Durrant
1970 AL and NL Ratings - Pitcher Balk WP Closer Fielding and Bunt Ratings and catcher PB
Len Durrant
1970 Pitcher Steal Ratings
Len Durrant
1971 Pitcher Steal Ratings
Len Durrant
1972 Pitcher Steal Ratings and Catcher PB Ratings
Len Durrant
1973 Pitcher Steal Ratings and Catcher PB Ratings
Len Durrant
1974 Pitcher Steal Ratings and Catcher PB Ratings
Len Durrant
1975 Pitcher Steal Ratings
Len Durrant
1976 Pitcher Steal Ratings
Len Durrant
1977 Pitcher Steal Ratings
Len Durrant
1978 Pitcher Steal and Bunt Ratings
Rick Bale
1979 Pitcher Hold Ratings, and Pitchers holding runners statistics
Len Durrant
1979 Pitcher Steal Ratings
Rick Bale
1980 Pitcher Hold Ratings, and Pitchers holding runners statistics
E. Hasselwander 1980 Pitcher Balk WP Closer Bunt Ratings
Len Durrant
1980 Pitcher Steal Ratings and Catcher PB Ratings
Rick Bale
1981 Pitcher Hold Ratings, and Pitchers holding runners statistics
Len Durrant
1981 Pitcher Steals
Len Durrant
1982 Pitcher Steals
Rick Bale
1982 Pitcher Hold Ratings, and Pitchers holding runners statistics
Len Durrant
1983 Pitcher Steals, Catcher's PB
Len Durrant
1984 Pitcher Steal, Balk, WP, Closer, Fielding, Bunt Ratings and Catcher's PB
Brad Cummings
1985 Pitcher Hold, Balk, WP, Range, Bunt, Run Ratings - Excel file
Len Durrant
1985 Pitcher Steal Ratings and Catcher PB Ratings
Len Durrant
1986 Pitcher Steal Ratings
Gary Kent
1986 Pitcher Hold, Balk, WP, Range, Bunt, Run Ratings - Excel file
Len Durrant
1987 Pitcher Steal, Balk, WP, Closer, Fielding, Bunt Ratings and Catcher's PB
Len Durrant
1988 Pitcher Steals
Len Durrant
1989 Pitcher Steal and Bunt Ratings
Len Durrant
1990 Pitcher Steal and Bunt Ratings
Len Durrant
1991 Pitcher Steal and Bunt Ratings

  Gary's Strat-O-Matic Baseball Website