to my Schwanktified web page. In case you hadn't figured it out by
now, this is not your average, ordinary, boring, run-of-the-mill webpage
detailing the events of my life like an egotistical autobiography on someone
that really doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things...okay, who am I kidding? That's exactly what it is. This page is about ME and MY FAMILY. That's it. Truthfully, I just wanted
to design a brand new website that I could play with and have a place to
store all those photos I've been collecting. In these pages are some
stuff I've written, pictures of me and my wife, and hud that I'm interested
in. If that doesn't make you feel all gooey inside yet, just wait...it
gets worse. I apologize in advance for the advertising, but some of us aren't rich enough to afford paying space on a server every month. Either that or their wives won't approve it in the budget.