"Great Legs"
Models for October
Cream butter until smooth, add sugar and egg, and beat until smooth and fluffy.
Add vanilla.  Sift in flour and blend thoroughly.  Stir in nuts until well distributed.  Shape dough into small balls and flatten out on a buttered baking sheet.
1/2 cup butter
1-1/2 cups brown sugar, firmly packed
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup chopped pecans
Bake in a moderate oven (375 degrees) for 12 minutes or until nicely browned.
Cool on the pan for 2 or three minutes; then transfer to cake racks.  Creamy butterscotch frosting sets them off.
Serve when still warm from the oven.   Sprinkle with light cinnamon and serve when golden brown.
Models--  Only two models are known.  Third from top is Laetitia Casta (just a guess), and second from bottom is  Angelica Pamintuan.  Until recently, the photo was wrongly identified as Sung Hi Lee.  Thanks to Gary P. and Rach F. for their "eagle eye" in getting this corrected.

All photos taken from large "collections" of photos from newsgroups and the WWW.  None of the sites claim copyright -- and indicate the photos are public domain.  If there's a problem, write me at 

Recipe is an actual recipe for "Praline Cookies."  For the complete recipe, check out p. 206 of "The Modern Family Cookbook" by Meta Given.

Music is the theme from "Beauty and the Beast."
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