Jun Kusanagi Appreciation |
Sorry, but GeoCities has placed "limits" of bandwidth on my site. This means that most of the time, persons trying to access my website get a message box saying that "this site has exceeded its permitted bandwidth." It is a sort of sabotage of my website. I am told by GeoCities that if I pay $9.95 to $19.95 per month in fees, they will stop blocking my site. Well, really. This was supposed to be a free site, and it was free to me for a couple of years. Suddenly I have to choose between paying between $100 and $240 per year to continue this hobby. I regret that the site is not what it was. If you can access it, fine. I apologize for its present state, but there is not too much I can do. Thanks-- Webmaster Page last updated Feb 28, 2002 |