Orpheus, a mortal, was considered to have Apollo's qualities. Apollo had taught him to play the lyre and Orpheus played beautifully. Orpheus was said to be able to move rocks and trees just by the melody of his lyre.
When Orpheus' wife died because of a poisonous snake bite, Orpheus went into the underworld to retrieve her. His charming music enthralled Hades, the god of the underworld. Hades decided to release Orpheus' wife from the underworld on one condition. This condition was that Orpheus could not look back at his wife until he reached his house. Despite Hades' warning, Orpheus forgot that he could not look back at his wife and did so, causing his wife to be lost to him forever.
Orpheus is said to have been torn apart by the Maenads, Dionysus' cult of crazy women. Basically, Orpheus is seen as Apollo's human counterpart in Greek mythology
Orpheus Enchanting Hades