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Try a fresh baked, delicious Pizza at Papa Georges Pizza Tarpum Bay. Open 9am to 9pm daily. Sundays, 2pm till 9pm. Call in and have your pizza delivered or Dine in.

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Painting of Tarpum Bay Water front Winter Storm By Eleuthera artist Kevin Cooper


Wednesday, December 01, 2004


A beautiful day in Eleuthera today. The skies are clear and bright with less than a 30% chance of rain today. The high today will get up into the mid to upper 80’s with a low tonight of 74 degrees Fahrenheit.


Its an absolutely gorgeous day for the outdoors today in Eleuthera. Bright sunny winter days are what we are after. They tend to give the best experiences the island of Eleuthera has to offer.


See you in Eleuthera today.


News, Articles and Poetry:


Today on an excursion along the island I stopped into the shop of a local business man who is known for his great spirit and philosophy. Upon inquiring about a cigar that he happened to be enjoying and handing out some advertisements of my business,”Papa Georges Pizza,” the old philosopher read the pamphlets handed to him and gave this ancient and tested advice:


Son, Storms move by longitude and latitude

Planes fly by altitude

Business makes it by attitude

And don’t forget

Attitude will determine your altitude. It is  the key in good business success.

It keeps good customers coming back time and time again.


So said the old philosopher

So goes the business world


How delighted I felt to have gained such sensible advice and to have benefitted from the many years of business service practiced by the old philosopher.


Oh, and the cigar which smelled so sweet was an el cuno, the common local, economical brand.


Have a pleasant day in Eleuthera today.


More daily news from Tarpum Bay today tomorrow.


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Tuesday, November 30, 2004


Today in Eleuthera it is a completely overcast day today with a 80% chance of rain. In addition today marks the end of the hurricane season in the Caribbean, many islanders breath a sigh of relief at this fact and are appreciative that winter is finally here in the tropics.


Winter most imagine is the most enjoyable time of year in the tropics and the Caribbean since the temperature is a bit more pleasant and it is the time of year when many visitors travel to our shores making it the most profitable time of year for many of us including many major hotel properties.


The temperature today is expected to reach over 85 degrees Fahrenheit with a low tonight of 75 degrees.


Today is an excellent day for the outdoors despite the impending rain. Rain is a necessity for Island communities in order to replenish our underground water table system. Rain is certainly welcomed in our islands most of the time for this reason.


Enjoy our beautiful Eleuthera weather today.


News, Articles and Poetry:


Traditions of Eleuthera Island


I love to feel in everyway

The things I am about to say

And now I know I’ll have my dream

Because I know we feel the same

Eleuthera will one day come alive

I’ll have a day and we’ll survive


I’ll live in the moment and that’s for sure

Encourage the moments that must be so pure

And enjoy the currents that bring me back for more

The chiming and noises that bring me to the shore


I’ve loved this island and place for so long

It’s given me such happiness, that feeling so strong

And in this love I can’t be wrong

Many gave their entire lives to give this one


It started with traditions oh so long ago

And history went as well we know

along with traditions that had to go

We survived, as well we know

With a heritage so pure you’ve got to know


Eleuthera is among the most noble Island communities

We all know.



Today is Tuesday. That marks for the past twenty years or more the coming of the weekly mail boat from Nassau which brings the majority of the consumable and saleable goods to the island of Eleuthera.


All concerned citizens of Eleuthera are at the docks in Rock sound and Governors Harbour before dawn in order to collect and secure their goods being off loaded by the mail boats. Many stores also use freight agents to secure and deliver their goods. 


As you might imagine this early morning Tuesday gathering is a complete culture in itself where people act and react in accordance to and with each other in long established ways. The atmosphere is charged with people ready to work and deliver the goods that Eleuthera needs to sustain itself.


If you are looking for a unique cultural experience you may want to check out one of the docks early morning, Tuesday morning to see what goes on at the busy docks of Eleuthera at these times. Its certainly worth the experience and with the regular scheduling in our modern times with the twice weekly Sea Wind Ferry the culture of freight shipping to the island is again about to change.  So you might want to see a long standing tradition of Eleuthera in place and perhaps commerate the ocassion with some memorable photographs. Its what culture in Eleuthera is all about.


See you in Eleuthera soon.


Fishing Report:

Fishing continues in Tarpum Bay, Eleuthera and several other communities along the islands of Eleuthera daily.


In fact at the docks in Tarpum Bay one of the local fishermen has invested in an inverter and powers the dock when fish cleaning at night presently. It’s a beautiful and unusual sight to see the dock lit up in its full splendour at night. This is a great use of modern technology and is in keeping with the tradition of continually seeking to upgrade itself and stay abreast of technological advancements that are beneficial to the island of Elteuthera. So now you can spend night time hours experiencing the cleaning of the grouper harvest and other fish species at the docks at Tarpum Bay on selected days.


See you at the docks at Tarpum Bay, Eleuthera Today.


More Daily News From Tarpum Bay Today, Tomorrow.


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Monday, November 29, 2004



Another beautiful morning in Eleuthera today. The skies are partially clouded with a 30% chance of rain today. The temperature is in the upper 80’s with a low tonight of 74 degrees.


It’s a great day for the outdoors and touring the island. 


This is a typical warm winter day in Eleuthera, cool, breezy and delightful.


News, Articles and Poetry:

There was an apparent accident this morning in Tarpum Bay. Our source reports that residents of our little town were alarmed to find that a tractor/trailer had a collision at one of our busiest intersections in the village at the Anglican Church at the Bay Front on Queens Highway this morning.


According to our source the driver lost control of the tractor/trailer when the vehicle lost it breaks and in doing so stopped the vehicle by running into an electrical pole on the western side of the ancient Anglican Church. No injuries were reported at the scene only massage damage to the main electrical system in the village from the uprooted electrical pole. BEC workers are on the scene to correct the power problem and restore electricity to village consumers pending and investigation by the local traffic police.


This incident ends in much controversy concerning the traffic problem at that Bay Front intersection where many drivers are unaware of the stop sign because the area is not properly signed by the relevant traffic authorities.


The problem of tractor/trailer as well is coming to the forefront since the island roads are so small and morning traffic is beginning to be infected by  the passage of the tractor/trailer vehicles during the morning commute along the island to various work centers by local residents.


It may be wise many think for the government to regulate tractor/trailer and dump truck traffic confining them to nighttime and early morning before the daily commute to various work centers by working residents.


Tractor/trailer traffic and many moving cars on the winding tiny roadways of Queens Highway just do not work in terms of safety issues to the majority of the island residents. It would be wise for traffic officials to clarify and institute some traffic policies at this time before the situation swings out of control and more damage is done to local property and residents.


If you recall several months ago in this same area a large dump truck spun out of control at this same intersection and destroyed the walls of one of the guest cottages of a local resident. The trucking company since repaired that damage.


Fishing Report:

Fishing opportunity and resources are being beefed up this time of year in order for local fishermen to capitalize on the local harvesting of the Nassau grouper this year.


One such fishing company is preparing for the harvest in a major way by purchasing a new fishing vessel. This vessel, “Second Chance,” is being readied for the grouper fishing harvest at this time. We wish the crew of Second Chance the best fishing season as they attempt to supply the local Bahamian market with the delicious, much sought after delicacy.


Purchase your supplies of fresh, daily caught fish products at the docks at Tarpum Bay, Eleuthera today.


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More Daily News from Tarpum Bay Today, Tomorrow








The Economics of The Poor


There is more value in the mind than worldly things

Search poor people and you’ll find

That they have loved to give

They have the jewels we need to live

The value of a friend is a key

It should mean so much to you and me.

Its value is one with all depth

One we all have to percept

We all know some one to call on

Some one who’ll always be sure

The value of a friend means even more

Than any amount that you can lend

Poor people know this is true

So just what must we all do?

Remember to have a valuable friend

Who’ll stay with you till the end

Even when all of your money is gone

And you have no valuables to flaunt

You’ll always have a vault of significance, a friend






This morning is a cool, breezy experience in Tarpum  Bay today. The sun peaks out from behind the partially clouded sky revealing its true intent, to warm up as much as it can the local community here on Eleuthera.


The high today is expected to reach 86 degrees Fahrenheit with a low tonight of 75 degrees.


Its wonderful day for the outdoors. A typical winter/Bahamian day for snorkeling, beaching, not ideal for suntanning but good for any kind of work outdoors.


Enjoy our Eleuthera weather today.


News, Articles and Poetry:


Have you ever sat outside your apartment and watched the sun come up in the morning? Did you’re the host at your beach house invite you home for breakfast or did the neighbors pass by with pleasant greetings for their invited guest?


The warmth and invitation is generous among the natives.


Did you walk the beach this morning and feel the soft sand under your feet and heard the lapse of the sweeping Caribbean sea caress you into the most pleasant, scenic walk you’ve ever had? Or did the secluded nature of your surroundings sooth you into taking a cool dip in the warm winter seas of the seashore of Tarpum Bay?


If you’ve done any of these or had any of them happen to you, you’ll be sure you’ve been to Tarpum Bay. All of this polite drama plays out in the pleasant, sun driven morning as the store owners, the construction workers and the Haitian farmers walk the streets in earnest making their way to their individual jobs for the day.


It’s a bright morning when the canopy of the entire sky lightens up with just you in mind, causing you to smile and contemplate nature. You wonder why your all alone to enjoy this and why you can’t share this new discovery of place and purpose with your friends and family.


Tarpum Bay, Eleuthera is a pleasant sea side village that lends itself to pleasant dreams and sooths the soul because you’ve come away from the noises of the buzzling cities and settled down in the midst of a paradise dream surrounded by pleasant people, happy people and the best in nature that God has to give.


Its not a dream, your in Tarpum Bay.


Have you ever wish you had the time and tranquility to write your first novel? Have you wished for time alone and time to think your way through one of your lifes most greatest decisions? Tarpum Bay in its serene, tropical setting, lends itself to that purpose. The quiet, secluded waterfront neighborhoods and these quiet wooded back drops have been the resting place of many world famous painters, writers, cartoonists, and artisans of many other disciplines. This seems to be the ideal place where creativity is spawned as a result of the ability to maintain original, constant thought necessary for great works of art.


I personally can attest to these factors since arriving in Tarpum Bay some 12 years ago I have had the creative, thinking time to complete more than five novels, two screen plays and a number of other literary works including this Daily News page.


If your in the mood for a wonderful waterside experience with the safety and security typical or our Bahamian out islands, see you at the waterfront in Tarpum Bay, Eleuthera today.


Fishing Report:




Tuesday, November 23, 2004



This morning in Eleuthera is cool and sunny. The early morning draft is disappearing. The skies are clear and bright. The winds calm like summer doldrums and the temperature a cool 80 degrees. Todays high is expected to climb up into the mid eighties with a low tonight of 75 degrees.


Truly delightful weather, not too hot, not too cold. This is a great time of year to be in Eleuthera and enjoy the mild, cool winter weather.


As such the threat of a hurricane is greatly diminished this time with the cooling trend of winter weather so it is truly enjoyable and safe in the Bahamas and Eleuthera at this time.


Enjoy our Eleuthera weather today. Enjoy the outdoors and activities all along the island. Visiting Lighthouse beach would be a worth while pursuit in South Eleuthera today.


News, Poetry, Articles:


Recently during the last week there has been lots of exciting things going on in Tarpum Bay, Eleuthera. Mama Lisa, her friend Ellen, Katie who is now a local, and several other folks we so dearly love have been in town.


Its always an exciting event when these people show up in town.


I forgot that Sharon, Sandy and Chicago Mike were also in Town. Don’t know where Missouri Mike is these days.


These people love the Bahamas and Eleuthera and contribute to the local scene by hanging out with  us and doing philanthropical things that they know would enhance the environment of the Island and its people.


You’ll recall that Lisa, her family including Dr. Tasha, Arizona accountant Carmen and lawyer Sarah are some of the principals behind . That organization has been successful in shipping and installing more than 200 computer systems all over South and Central Eleuthera. They have been successful in reviving some of the good spirits and cooperation of the people of Eleuethera and we greatly appreciate their efforts to reach out to us. If only we could do more for them. Perhaps some repayment will surface in the future as they collectively continue to find worth while projects to enhance the island experience among the people the love and the place they call home away from home.


For example, Dr. Natasha is working on organizing the importation and the installation of much needed Xray equipment. She is working with Dr. Smith our local government doctor to address some of the problems encountered by the local medical staff and I know she will be successful in assisting some of those problems to be resolved.


These people are truly people with big hearts and an appreciation for our hospitality. Its always a excitement to have any of these beautiful people around.


In other news Papa Georges Pizza is expressing some appreciation for the new clients that stop by for pizza lunches and dinners as well as Internet usage at Freedom Internet Café here in Tarpum Bay, Eleuthera.


The hours of the Restaurant, Café are 9am to 9pm. Papa Georges Pizza is reporting a more than average visitation to the facility and an encouraging trend of return customers and an increased level of customer satisfaction with the products cooked up in the restaurant. Papa George explains that the prices are not bad either. With a large 16 inch pizza with all the toppings costing $20.00 there is much satisfaction, taste sensations and pleasant suprises being served up at the pizza restaurant.


Opened on a shoe string but heavy on the things that matter most in the restaurant business, Customer Satisfaction, papa George is acknowledging much positivity and encouragement for the future of the Restaurant/internet business in the future of Eleuthera island.


See you soon at Papa Georges where the spicy conch pizza is fastly  becoming a local and international favorite.


Fishing Report:

Fresh fish and conch are at a premium on the island at times, especially during periods during summer and winter bad weather. When the seas subsides and cools down local fishermen rush out to fill the void  and the need to good lobster, grouper and fresh frying fish.


At the docks in Tarpum Bay daily, especially on good weather days you can find a wide variety and a good selection of fresh seafood products for sale by the local fishermen groups.


Open daily the fish market caters to the needs of a wide variety of local and international people. It is certainly a local draw and a wonderful place to congregate and enjoy the buzzling activity, the dialogue and the process of cleaning and processing fresh fish. A lot of the activity going on seems to be an art which fishermen acquire through years of trial. Take for example the cleaning of conch.


Years ago before the conch was less popular fishermen adapted a technique of cleaning the delicacy by biting with their teeth the tough skin that must come off of the conch in order to enjoy the tender flesh underneath. After many years of using this primitive technique our national health office had some concerns as to how safe for the customer that method of cleaning the conch is. They then instituted another less entertaining but safer method of cleaning the conch. The new method involved only a knife and a way of cutting and pulling of the thick skin. The safer method swept the country and each conch cleaner was equipped with a newer, more appealing method to clean his catch. That method is still in existence today and is still used to keep the public less worried of the placing of unfamiliar mouths on their seafood.


Conch cleaning is certainly an acquired art and many of our local fishermen and processors are professionals at the task.


It is certainly worth a trip to the local dock to see the methods of fish cleaning, dialogue and processing of fresh fish products.


See you at the docks at Tarpum Bay, Eleuthera soon.


More Daily News from Tarpum Bay Today, Tomorrow.


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Friday, November 19, 2004


It’s a beautiful day in Eleuthera today folks. The weather is bright and clear with little chance of rain today. The sun is out in the partially clear skies and its warming up to be another great super day in Eleuthera.


The high today is expected to get up to 85 degrees Fahrenheit with tonights low dipping down as low as 74 degrees.


Its another great day for working or playing outdoors. Any activity to get outdoors and enjoy the abundance of sunshine. 


The cooling trend ended yesterday and the atmosphere is a clear, bright one with lots of appeal so enjoy our Eleuthera weather today.


News, Articles and Poetry:


Thursday morning traffic jam


There was a traffic jam this morning in the center of town on Lord Street. While purchasing some flour for the days pizza making at approximately 8 AM there was a gathering of traffic at the cross roads near the food store,” Berts For The Best.”


Additionally three cars parked at the store had me guessing the best way to reverse out of the parking lot. After the large yellow school bus pulled up in back of me and stopped in the middle of the street I had no choice but to stop what I was doing, sit in the jeep and allow the traffic to move. They soon did and freed up the road way completely.


I was then able to reverse out of the parking lot and take my usual drive along the seashore, around the tower, through Jasons lane and up the hill home.


The trend in traffic in Eleuthera is that it is heaviest at two times, morning around 8 to 9am when government and other workers are rushing single file to make their way to work before the imaginary 9 am work bell rings. Then at 4to 6pm when everyone is returning from work in order to see the kids and prepare the evening meal.


Other than that you can count the cars that make their way along our highways the remainder of the day. Its usually sparse traffic including, the large dump trucks that have out of necessity made Eleuthera their home as well.


A few anticipating the building boom on the island have purchased these vehicles in order to service the construction and landscaping needs of the rich and famous land owners in the county.


More on Eleuthera Traffic later.




My secret discovery


Into the sublime

And out into the light

I’ve discovered the difference to make the things so right

I’ve discovered the malady

That made my life the play

I’ve discovered the marriage that moves life in this way.

I now know the secret to long life, longevity

Its all within the messages my people gave to me

I’ve discovered eternal truths that never did me wrong

I”ve discovered a love that grows on me oh so strong

I’ve also discovered the love thats deep within me

I return from day to day and set my lonesome soul free

I cherish the moments I never had before

I give and do the things that open up life’s door

I’ve found the fountain of youth it flows within my head

I now know the secret of life is not to be so dead

Give yourself a challenge and work toward a goal

Think about eternal life it will restore your soul

The trick is to see how long you can survive

The crisp, dark loneliness that ladens you with old

Give yourself the time it takes to enjoy the beauty of the world

It happens to be a most beautiful place if you allow the moments to unfurl

Give yourself the time it takes to love the ones you meet

And soon you will discover your blessed skills to greet

Its all important you see to see the whole thing on the vine

The miracle of a beauteous life that freshens up the Mind

The world is a delightful place, give it your best chance

And if you get the chance to greet you’ll find a way to dance

People make it a brighter place we learn to get along

And before you know it your in it, the life that feels so strong


Fishing Report:

Just to confirm it, I checked with one of the local fishermen that fish for grouper and again he reconfirmed that the grouper ban for January of 2005 was still on. Unfortunately,and fortunately for future generations grouper will replenish in the cool Bahamian waters this coming mating season.


Fishermen will during this time select from among the lobster and the other species of fish. You will still be able to purchase your supplies of fresh fish from the docks in Tarpum Bay daily. That is if you can brave the usually cool winter weather in Tarpum Bay. Typically it is around 70 to 75 degrees with a cross wind that time of year in Eleuthera.


See you at the docks soon in Tarpum Bay.


More Daily News from Tarpum Bay Today, Tomorrow.


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Thursday, November 18, 2004



Good morning. The weather today in Eleuthera is cool and clear. The sun is out among partially cloudy skies. There is a 50% chance of rain today. A slight breeze blows over the landscape. Todays high is expected to be around 85 degrees Fahrenheit with a low tonight of 73 degrees. Quite a cool one for the night time.


It’s a pleasant day for outdoor activities. Any outdoor activity like gardening, snorkeling, touring the island, barbecuing and many other activities lend themselves to weather like today.


If your looking for something interesting to do just make your way to the local docks here in Tarpum Bay and watch the daily catch of fish being cleaned and processed. It’s a great opportunity to take photographs of the fishermen and other waterfront shots along the way.


Enjoy our Eleuthera weather today.


News, Articles and Poetry:


Morning Observation


Some days I just don’t know why

Why I look at the pleasant sky

And then some days it rains

And I am filled with tremendous pain

I rise to feel that I’ve been taken

And then I realize that I’m awakened

To see the world through different eyes

 And not to hide behind any disguise

I see the world both light and plain

This life’s portion I proclaim

That I have made it back today

This special place in such a way

To have an impact on the world

To watch the morning flags unfurl

To be a leader in this time

Of pleasantries and peace of Mind 

It is important in my world

That life goes on despite the girl

I live forever wanting more

Attached to this psyche I adore

God gives strength and I resolve

To share the greatest gift of love

To those who travel to my door

And leave each moment wanting more

There is so much more that I can say

I’ll leave it for another day

When I arise and find I have a way

Again to share the pleasant love of human kind


Fishing Report:

Gone are the days that I remember so well. I recall that in my youth in our neighborhood called Westard here in Tarpum Bay I had to awake every Saturday morning early around 7am and make my way with a dollar to the local dock where the fish is cleaned and processed even until today.


On such mornings it was my exclusive family duty to purchase the fish making the most important preference of kind to be the Porgy fish. Snapper took second priority.


Mr. Dowson Hunt had a midsize boat which he built himself and on the boat he had an open well always on Saturday mornings filled with live fish. Everything was fresh. He killed the fish, mumbled, “How much you want?”  I mumbled in return,”One dollars worth.”


He scooped the live fish he selected for me from the open well on the boat and struck each fish killing it instantly with a blow of his fish stick. He then killed at least five or six more fish. After this he gather a piece of top string, crumbled and make it flexible and fed the top string through the gills of every fish, took my dollar and handed the line of fresh fish to me.


I walked my way home along the seashore with my string of fresh fish dreading the fact that now I had to scale it, clean the guts out and hand it over to mama who was waiting for it in order to begin making the traditional stew fish which was an every Saturday meal. We all loved stew fish. It was one of the most tasty dishes mother made.


I can see the open well on Mr. Dowsons boat now teeming with a wide species and color of the many types of fish he caught by hand line earlier that morning or through the night.


The thing is that he always had adequate to feed the entire community. We didn’t go a day without fresh fish being available. What stands out most as well is that Mr. Dowson only charged less than 25 cents for an entire fish.


The same fish today will cost you more than a dollar. Oh the inflation and pricing have changed the cost of fish tremendously.


The most exciting part of my entire Saturday routine was seeing the colorful fish swim around in the holding tank on Mr. Dowsons boat.


There are no live wells today on local boats. They have a different technique. They shoot the fish killing it instantly and have to make the journey back home to sell the fish before it spoils. In cool weather such as this a dead fish can last for many hours before rotting. However in the summer the hot days demand a shorter time for keeping fish and the fishermen have to return home earlier in order to maintain the fresh quality of their fish.


I will never forget the Old time fisherman like Mr. Dowson, Mr. Reggie who was a second choice in buying fish after Mr. Dowson because he did not catch as many Porgies, the favorite fish of my father who got first preference to choose the type of fish we would consume any day.


More news from Tarpum Bay Today, Tomorrow

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Wednesday, November 17, 2004



It is presently overcast and cloudy this morning. Rain is coming soon in Eleuthera. The sun has only peeked out for a few moments occasionally this morning. There is more than a 70% chance of rain this morning. It’s a cool morning since the skies are overcast. There is a slight refreshing breeze over the landscape.


This is a great day for experimenting indoors or one might take the chance to do an activity like fishing that doesn’t depend exactly on great weather. Touring would be a good activity today. Lets not give up and sit at home awaiting the rainy weather.


Eleuthera is still beautiful on days like this. Its only a matter of matching activities to the weather conditions.


Enjoy our Eleuthera weather today.


News, Articles and Poetry:


Christmas is coming


Christmas is coming

The goose is getting fat

Please put a penny in the old mans hat


Christmas it coming

You know where its at

Please do a favor for someone, this and that


Christmas is coming

We are ready for that

Remember Junkanoo for Christmas is where its at


Christmas is coming

The beer is in the vat

Spirits for Christmas will not get you fat


So remember Christmas in the Bahamas this year, beer, junkanoo, music, this and that




Yesterday was mail boat day in Eleuthera. Tuesday is the traditional mail boat day here and the day when absolutely everything we consume is ferried in from Nassau on the mail boats. The government docks at Rock Sound and Governors Harbour are typically filled on Tuesdays with trucks, and people seeking to collect their freight either for business use or for personal use.


Tuesday and Wednesdays are the best days to shop the grocery stores if one wants to select the freshest produce. Usually on these days as well the stores are crowded with shoppers wishing to get first dibs on the sale of produce, bread and other goods.


There is really very little agriculture going on on the island of Elteuthera right now making mail boat traffic each week an essential source of shipping salable goods.


With the establishment of the Fast Ferry system in the Bahamas and Eleuthera this is another choice weekly in shipping goods from Nassau to Eleuthera. They do carry passengers and freight, although most of the stores use the Tuesday mailboats because of the shipping rates and the established weekly routes they have established.


So get your fresh produce at the stores in Eleuthera today or yesterday if that is possible.


See you in Eleuthera soon. Enjoy the weather and the good nature of the people of Eleuthera. You will be made to smile at life here.


Fishing Report:

Despite the weather Fishermen are busy processing fish products. On days when more than the usual amount of fish is caught and not sold the local fishermen freeze the excess products and bring them out on bad weather days when fish is not freshly available.


So remember that you can purchase fish products even on most bad weather days here in Tarpum Bay. One only need to come into the village and proceed to the docks or stop and ask anyone for directions to the nearest house that sells fish for a living.


There are many local fishermen who will be happy to assist you in your selection and purchase of fresh or frozen fish.


Here is a list of the local fishermen of Tarpum Bay:


Wesely Carey-12423344185- Charter fishing and fishing for sale

Andrew Hunt-12423344452- Fish sales

Jay Hunt-12423344452- Fish Sales

Roosevelt Hunt- Fish Sales and Fishing Charters

Nick Hunt- Fish Sales

Scotty Culmer- Fish Sales

Keegan Culmer- Fish Sales

Kojak Taylor- Fish Sales and Fishing Charters daily

Burr Taylor- Fish Sales and Fishing Charters

Gerome Madread Moss- Fish Sales and Fishing Charters

Steve Moss- Fish Sales and Fishing Charters

Charles Rolle- Fish Sales

Dennis Carey- Fish Sales

Tobias Carey- Fish Sales and Fishing Charters daily

Johnny Krupp- Sports fishing

Lil Sam Morley- Fish Sales and Fishing Charters

Byron McMillan Hughes- Fishing Charters

Dowson Hunt- Fish Sales and Fishing Charters


More Daily News from Tarpum Bay Today, Tomorrow


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Tuesday, November 16, 2004



Today in Eleuthera its sunny and bright with occasional cloudedness this afternoon. The temperature is a cool 85 degrees Fahrenheit. There is a 50% chance of rain today.

Tonights low is expected to get down into the low 70’s with cool winds blowing tonight. Its winter in the Bahamas as the cool season has crept in after an extremely warm summer.


Eleutherians and Bahamians look forward to this break in the weather when the temperature cools down and the Christmas season is counting down towards the great days of our annual Junkanoo parades.


Enjoy our Eleuthera weather today.


News, Articles and Poetry:


In Eleuthera today the trend toward the recovery of the tourist season is being felt in this the thanksgiving season and the countdown toward the Junkanoo parades during Christmas and New Years.


Some tourists have returned to the island as they do each year others bitten by the bug for a comfortable, relaxing, safe place to live are coming for the first time this year to discover Eleuthera. At Papa Georges Pizza we have met several of them and we have been happy to make their acquaintance. Artists, Accountants, Writers, housewives and secretaries  are all making the trip to find out what exclusive quietness and tranquility we have to offer in Eleuthera. People are coming from hundreds of miles around and discovering the peacefulness and the secluded nature of our lovely island destination. We are told that our people are still friendly and comforting to be around. We are told that Eleuthera is still a lovely place to visit with the promise of being one of the best tropical island destinations in the western hemisphere.


Standing on the poise of construction of several major hotel properties, Eleuthera is about to come alive with the exciting days of the tourism of the past when hundreds of visitors sought entertainment and sustenance on our lovely shores. These days are slated to come once again to us, we must learn this time to manage them and build on them in a precise and concrete manner so as not to loose our opportunity to serve our tourists through the warmness of our hospitality and natural environment again.


We had the right environment before, this time we must have the cooperation of all Eleutherians to contribute in any ways they can to make the definite future of tourism work in Eleuthera.


The coming of winter this time of year is an exciting and blessed time for us in Eleuthera. We have looked forward to this season all year long and it has finally arrived. “Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat,” is an old saying that dates back centuries but describes our expectations and our looking forward toward the Merry Christmas season.


This year, this Christmas season, come on down to the Bahamas and see what this new meaning in the Christmas season means to we and can be the same for all of you. Junkanoo is coming.


The Day The Wise Men Came


These are the days the wise men came

With a merry message to proclaim

Now are the days of human trust

Now is the time unite we must

Must get the message clear and true

No time to waste in time and blue

These are the days when we proclaim

Our excitement to the one who came

Now is the season the time is right

Feelings of joy displayed at our sight

Up in the heavens they all look down

Relaying the message no time to frown

Now is the future forget not the past

Remember days forever to all that last

Unite your fellow men to them be true

This simple task this season we all must do


Fishing Report:

Fishermen in Eleuthera continue to gather and catch much grouper and lobster despite the condition of the waters roughness. There are areas they have found to go in order to secure an abundance of the delicious seafood favorites.


Come get your supplies of fresh fish daily at the docks at Tarpum Bay, Eleuthera.


See you at the docks at Tarpum Bay, Eleuthera today.


More daily News from Tarpum Bay Today, Tomorrow.

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Tuesday, November 09, 2004



Today is another wonderful day in Eleuthera. The sun is out and shining in a partially clouded sky. There is some chance for rain today. Last night a significant amount of light rain fell. Still the amount of rain in this season is below normal expectations for this time of year.


The high today is expected to be as high as 86 degrees with a low tonight of 73 degrees.


It’s a wonderful day for out door sports, and other out door activity.


The breeze is slight today with occasional movement.


Enjoy our Eleuther weather today.


News, Articles and Poetry:


Great Freedom, Democracy and Now a great spirit of indigenous investment exists in Eleuthera and the Bahamas today.


Sea Shells at Cotton Bay is in the news again today. Over the national Television station in last nights news broadcast the government and Prime Minister, Honorable Perry Christie announced a signing of heads of agreement with the Eleuthera based investment group of Sea Shells At Cotton Bay.


The group, led by Bahamian businessman and builder Mr. Franklyn Wilson led the charge to address the country about this significant local Bahamian investment in South Eleuthera.


Filled with a sense of Nostalgia and history the spokesman referred back to re-establishing a Tourist economy reminiscent of the glory days when the Cotton Bay club existed and invited world class guest to our shores here in Eleuthera. Mentioned in his speech were men like The Kaisers, John D. Ames, Arthur winding Davis, Juan Tripp and others who led the way as early as the 1950’s to open up South Eleuthera in a major way to the Tourism industry.


The time has come Mr. Wilson said for Bahamians to take the reins of development and lead the way to establishing world class major hotel developments which will have to compete as well with the major world class establishments like The Hyatt and Hilton and numerous world class properties.


“They are our main competitors from whom we have learned a significant portion over the last 18 years in developing and realizing our property development plans.”


Several Eleuthera based contributors to the project included Mr. Lawrence Griffin of Governors Harbour, Mr. And Mrs. Claudia and Albert Sands of Rock Sound and Nassau based Mr. Franklyn Wilson.


The hotel Seashells at Cotton Bay will feature some unique conservation projects on property like a turtle preservation environment, a local Eleuthera ran agricultural facility where guests will be able to wake up in the morning and pick their own pineapples, an agricultural product for which Eleuthera is widely known.


The project boasts that it will be a grandiose one with the potential to accommodate the crowd most familiar with the old Cotton Bay Club and others looking for a truly unique, Eleutherian experience.


They expect to create more than 250 jobs in the first building phase of development then more jobs for Eleutherians in managing and running the property throughout its life.


Eleutherians look forward to the promise and the fulfillment of Sea Shells At Cotton Bay.


Fishing Report:

There is no stopping the potential and viability of the brilliant, resourceful Eleutherian fishermen. At this time of year typically our local fishermen have explored our seas to the fullest in the harvesting of  the Lobster, the conch and the grouper.


With new restrictions place on the taking of all of these seafoods now our fishermen have had to rethink and relaunch themselves in a strategic way in order to realize a fruitful fishing season this year.


Grouper are schooling presently and while fishermen in the past paid little attention to these migrations of the fish these days they have to capatalize on these times in order to sustain and revive themselves.


Grouper by the truck load at this time of the year is now a common place harvest on the local fishing scene as fishermen rush to beat the January 1st moratorium on harvesting the grouper stocks.


They have gathered themselves early and located the aggregate fishing ground where the delicious delicacy exists in bountiful numbers.


Despite the governments proposed ban on grouper fishing during the month of January local fishermen are beating law makers and preservationist to the punch by locating and harvesting the grouper schools early.


Less attention was paid early to the harvesting of lobster even this year and preference given to the continued harvesting of the Nassau grouper and other species.


There is more demand for grouper as more restaurant properties exist more in Eleuthera today and opportunities to impact the Nassau market through massive sales of grouper exist more readily today.


Fishermen in Eleuthera and Tarpum Bay are doing the things that they instinctively can to preserve their plight and need to increase production of the harvesting and processing of grouper, lobster and conch for the local and national markets.


Get your supply of fresh fish in Tarpum Bay, Eleuthera at the local docks after 3pm today. See you there.


More Daily News from Tarpum Bay Today, tomorrow.


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Monday, November 08, 2004



What a beautiful morning it is this morning in Eleuthera. The sun is out, bright and hot. There is a low chance of rain today. The high today will be 86 degrees Fahrenheit and the low tonight will be 73 degrees.


There is a slight chance or rain today in certain areas but in our area the skies are clear and bright without any intrusion. Its blue skies and a great day for touring the island, fishing, snorkeling or any outdoor activity one would like to do on Eleuthera.


Enjoy our Eleuthera weather today and enjoy some of the outdoor activities.


News, Articles and Poetry:


The nature of the Bahamas


In this awesome day

We’ve come a long way

From the type of people we used to be

Dynamic and free

So full of glee

It’s the everyday

Expression of you and me

Our Bahamas is a haven

Of passion and pride

We have very little

We wish to hide

We’ll invite you in

And give you the tour

Never let you tire

Never let you bore

The land of democracy

So wonderful and free

Much more enlightenment

Than there used to be

A modern world

A paradise of nature

Fulfilling and free

The Bahamas is the place

You need to see


Today is a wonderful day in Eleuthera. The beginning this morning of another wonderful week of activity.


On Saturday night we held the annual Guy Fox effigy burning in rememberance of that diabolical man Guy Fox who attempted to blow up British parliament in the 1600’s. His burning is a celebratory event November 5th each year in the British and former British colonies like the Bahamas. All over the world this celebration and event is commemorated.


Our celebrations here in the Bahamas include the building out of old clothes and suits, a guy fox figure, painted and decorated with old wigs and stuff. It is paraded in the streets to the beat of Junkanoo music and judged on by a community panel who chooses the best prize winning guy fox.


Usually this event is surrounded by a fund raiser. The selling of native treats, food and drinks play a big part in the sale. Locals and tourists alike gather around the event and have a fun evening of interacting and recognizing the holiday.


At midnight on that same night a bon fire is lit on the beach out in front of the village and the guy foxes are burned at the stake to the soulful beat of Bahamian junkanoo percussion instruments.


This is a wonderful event and is typical of Bahamian holiday traditions. Many enjoy events like this in every settlement in the Out Islands of the Bahamas.


In addition the holiday season has been tipped off. With the celebration of the Halloween season by the kids and some adults. Halloween kicks of the end of the year holiday season which ends up in January with the coming of the New years junkanoo parade in each island of the Bahamas. This festive season through the months of Ocotober, November, December and January mark the beginning of our Winter Tourist season since the cold is beginning at this time to set into the northern countries and provinces. At this time our winter tourists are beginning to migrate to our shores. Holidays like Thanksgiving are also unofficially celebrated in the Bahamas although it is not a Bahamian holiday. Locals and tourists alike celebrate and commemorate the Thanksgiving traditions. Certain government schools sell thanksgiving lunches to the community turning the day into a fund raising opportunity for many.


This holiday further adds to the end of the year holiday excitement in the Bahama islands. So if you’re coming down to have some fun, this is a great time to consider coming and spending some time with us in celebration and fun of the end of the year winter season. You will see that the atmosphere in the Bahamas at this time is charged with excitement which you can add to and share with the rest of us.


See you in Eleuthera and the Bahamas soon.


Fishing Report:

Lobster, conch and grouper are still being harvested this time of year. Many are showing up at the docks in the evenings in order to purchase their supply of fresh fish products. They come from all over the island.


You’ll want to make it to the docks before the restaurantuers who generally purchase hundreds of dollars supply of fresh fish products for their restaurant properties. Many time they will purchase the entire catch of many of the fishermen they meet on the docks so you’ll want to come early and have your choice of seafood products.


See you at the docks in Tarpum Bay, Eleuthera soon.


More Daily News From Tarpum Bay, Eleuthera soon


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Friday, November 05, 2004



Cool and delightful describes the weather in Eleuthera today. This fall weather is a break from the summer heat and is a welcome at this time of year in Eleuthera. The year has zipped by and so has the weather cooling in the winter and transitioning into a balmy heat in the height of summer and now its happening again as this is the cool season this time of year. Of course it will get cooler in December, January 2005 and until April. It does get sunny and nice still during this time however the cool nature of the winter days in the Bahamas are both pleasurable and noticeable. You’ll enjoy our delightful fall/winter weather during this time of year.


The high today is expected to reach 89 degrees with a low tonight of 76 degrees Fahrenheit.


There is a 40% chance of rain in Eleuthera today.


Still it’s a great day for the outdoors and activities like gardening, fishing, touring and shopping. Try some of our wonderful, different restaurants all along the island.


Enjoy our beautiful Eleuthera weather today.

News, Articles and Poetry:

This time of year in Eleuthra is most exciting and charged with an atmosphere of fun and celebration activity. Ever since Halloween on the 30th of October the pace and celebration activity picks and moves right through toward the Christmas season when all the celebrations culminate in one grand celebration of Junkanoo, December 25th in most Family Islands and December 26th in Nassau on Bay Street.


Junkanoo is a national affair in the Bahamas and has been since the abolishioning of slavery the most diverse and beautiful celebration of the slave and post colonial slave era in the Bahamas and the Caribbean.


Bahamians have honed the art and craft of Junkanoo into an important cultural art form any country on the planet would be eager to claim as their own. Junkanoo draws sightseers and interest from all over the globe at Christmas time and is the source of the most fun in the Bahamas through celebrations, music and dance.


And since this period of time of the year leads up to Junkanoo it is important to follow the progress of the events leading up to the nations largest and most successful financial success in the Bahamian history.


In the capital of the Bahamas, Nassau on December 15th this year there will be a Junior Junkanoo celebration showcasing the talents of the young school aged Junkanoo groups that eventually will grow up to replace and populate the nations burgeoning Junkanoo groups in both Nassau and the Family Islands of the Bahamas.


So if you have a choice and a chance to visit Eleuthera or the Bahamas you may choose to do it during this time from October 15th to January 01st, since this is the most exciting time of all in all of the Bahama Islands and the Caribbean at large.


January 01st from Midnight till 9am in the morning is also a national Junkanoo event in the Family of islands and on Bay Street in Nassau. These spectacular events are the most enjoyable and exciting you will experience anywhere in the world.


Especially standing or sitting in the crowds of Junkanoo onlookers and fans in the bleachers you will experience and notice the most infectious art form come alive and fill your soul with the soulful palpitations of the African goat skin drums. It is truly spectacular to feel the booming rhythm infect your chest cavity and literally cause you to dance and move to the rhythm of thousands of performers and onlookers at the event. This unique experience is like no other you will experience at such an event internationally.


Do enjoy our Winter season this year in the Bahamas and Eleuthera.




Eleuthera, The Place for you


If you are searching for paradise

It might show in your eyes

Since you have that aching feeling

And the tendency to cry

Come see our delightful destination

You will not get it wrong

Eleuthera is a beautiful Island

Of the gracious and the strong

This tropical treasure

Is often for the true

Those that know what pleasure is

And those who know what to do

It starts from Harbour Island

Way up in the north

And ends up at Light house beach

And don’t forget the port

The island of the lovely

People who are so free

You’ll get the deepest feeling

The infectious nature of we

Bahamians are so pleasant

Eleutherians so strong

After years of slavery

We’ve learnt how to get along

We treat people insightful

From all over the world

Whether a first time adventurer

Or if you’ve been here long

This happens to be the place for you

Try it and don’t deny

This has to be the place for you

And I will tell you why

Eleuthera has a proud history

Since 1492

Theres a lot of wonderful people

And many things to do


Fishing Report:

Volumes of Lobster, Conch and Grouper are available daily for purchase at the docks at Tarpum Bay, Eleuthera. Come on down and enjoy a delightful afternoon of fish preparation as you personally select and choose your favorite variety and size of fish from the fishermen on the docks of Tarpum Bay, Eleuthera, Bahamas.


More Daily News from Tarpum Bay today Tomorrow.


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Thursday, November 04, 2004



Excellent weather in Tarpum Bay, Eleuthera today. The sun is out shining its golden streams this morning. The temperature is a cool 86 degrees and will climb up to a high today of 89 degrees. A slight breeze is blowing over the landscape. It is not expected to rain today. Our skies are clear and blue. What a lovely sight this weather is today.


Enjoy our Eleuthera weather today.


It’s a great day for the outdoors. Touring, beaching, barbecuing, gardening, A bike ride, snorkeling, fishing off the rocks and all these activities are possible here today in Eleuthera.


News, Articles and Poetry:

After a month of preparations Papa George’s Pizza is now fully realized.  Only a few more fine tuning touches to the property Top of the hill, Bernards hill, Tarpum Bay, Eleuthera, are necessary.


We are open for business and have a complete menu of fresh, baked from scratch pizza’s. You can order in or take out our fresh delicious pizza pies. The prices are competitive and you will be surprised at our selection of toppings and the sheer delight of our freshly made pies.


The operation will expand as demand is necessary so come on in today and patronize our business. We are here to please and serve your palette and your appetite.


Next door to Papa George’s Pizza is a sports bar. Proprietor, Mr. Ben Miller will be more than happy to serve you his customers and share some of the delight of the goodwill in all of us on Eleuthera island. It’s a great, new place to hang out during the weekend or during the week. There will be music, games, pool, darts and good food etc. So come on out, top of the hill, Bernard Hill, Tarpum Bay and enjoy our surroundings and offerings in a cool comfortable atmosphere. We would love to be of service to you.


Unto this day


Unto this day we have returned

To fill the need, To turn and yearn

To have the better of it all

Unto our hearts we will be true

And do the things that we should do

To fill the void and charm the Mind

Of everyone within whom we find

A treasure true delightful be

The cheer in the hearts of you and me

We will be true to this our pledge

And if we’re not we’re on the edge

The pleasure with which each of us laugh

We do impart the right to have

Safe in the hearts of all who can

Who claim a home in Bahama land

Unto this day we have returned

More Daily News from Tarpum Bay Today Tomorrow.




Tarpum Bay Today News Archives                                    

Click below:

October 1st to October 31st 2004

September 1st to September 30th

September 1st to September 24th

August 19th to September 3rd (Sea Shells At Cotton Bay and other community Articles)


August 1st to August 18th

July and August 2004

January to July 2004

January to December 2003

January to December 2002

Janyary To December2001



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