Course Syllabus

Gwynedd-Mercy College

School of Business and Computer Science
Computer and Information Sciences Department

Nancy Bryant

COURSE: CIS-114-EK  Introduction to Web Page Design


Computer experience


This course is an introduction to web page design concentrating on the basic elements of HTML including site design and page formatting with an overview of HTML features. Emphasis will be placed on fundamental design issues such as content planning, browser compatibility and visual aesthetics. The course also discusses the design and layout of images and text, structuring information for easy navigation, linking external media to web sites, and more advanced features such as Meta tags, tables and animated graphics. Students apply their skills to the production of a personal Web site.

Considerable hands-on experience will be provided using Microsoft Front Page 2002,  Internet Explorer, Netscape, and the World Wide Web. Hands on exercises include page design and web site critiques.


This course will provide students with the ability to:

Understand the history and structure of the Internet
posbul2a.gif (99 bytes) Create graphic elements appropriate to the WWW
Design and construct effective web pages
Use HTML tags to control text, graphic format, and alignment
Use image maps to create hypertext links defined on graphical image areas
Incorporate multiple web pages in a browser window using HTML frames
Upload and install a working Web site
Be a socially responsible Internet user

There is no "official" textbook required, however substantial readings will be assigned, and the WWW addresses will be provided.

There will be five homework assignments or quizzes given in class pertaining to class discussions. Each assignment and quiz will be worth five points: the five assignments and quizzes are worth twenty five percent of your final grade.

I will accept assignments up to one week late for half credit (2 1/2 points). I will not accept them later than one week.

Make-up quizzes will NOT be given.

If you are going to be out sick you can email your homework to me so that it isn't considered late.

For your our Mid Term Project you will create a site with 3 to 5 pages. The specific assignment will be handed out in class 2 weeks prior to it's due date.

Your Mid Term Project should be handed in on either on a floppy disk, a zip disk, a CD, or via a live link.

There will be individual discussion/critiques, and those who are willing to share their projects with the class are encouraged to do so.

Your final web site should contain at least five pages and at least three original graphics (graphics that you created). I will be looking at the overall design/layout, and visual impact, as well as the code.

We will discuss in class how you can obtain free web space so you can upload your web site if you so desire.

On the last class you should hand in your final project either on a floppy disk, on a zip disk, a CD, or via a live link.

There will be individual discussion/critiques, and those who are willing to share their projects with the class are encouraged to do so.

Your Final Project is due on December 9 and WILL NOT be accepted any later.

You are expected to attend every class.
Class participation counts towards 5 points of your grade. This includes not only attendance, but also your participation in class discussions.

Points making up the final grade for this course:
Five Homework Assignments and Quizzes = 25 points
Mid Term Project = 30 points
Final Web Site = 40 points
Attendance & Class Participation = 5 points

A = 90 - 100 points. Excellent. Your project & homework assignment will:
Have strong design, imagination, innovation and be very well executed technically. It will show thorough comprehension of the medium and demonstrate your ability to go beyond the basics.

B =  80 - 89 points. Very Good. Your project will:
Demonstrate good design, creativity, be technically well executed and show substantial progress.

C = 70 - 79 points. Average. Your project will:
Fulfill the assignment, but not show substantial exploration of design possibilities, and/or inadequate technique and skill. Project not taken as far as possible.

D = 60 - 69 points. Below average, barely passing:
Your project will have one or more major problems: Weak design, weak concept, weak technique & skill, unfinished projects. Does not fulfill the basic requirements of the assignment.

F = Below 60 points. Failing:
Your project will receive an F if it: Shows evidence of plagiarism or the project is not completed by the end of the semester.

PLEASE NOTE: Incompletes/Make-ups: An Incomplete will be granted only in the event of a severe illness for which a letter from the Dean is required. All work must be completed to receive a passing grade.

Course Outline

 Nancy Bryant