The Official General Nathanael Greene & Greene Homestead Museum at Spell Hall WebSite
Major General Nathanael Greene


Visit the General Nathanael Greene Homestead Museum
"Spell Hall" 1770 ~ Coventry Rhode Island

Lieut. General George Washington's
Most Trusted
Senior Continental Army Commander
Enabling the Winning of America's Independence

Understood As Second Under Washington by the Continental Congress
By the End of the Revolutionary War



      "Rhode Island History Connect" is designed to assist teachers and students by recommending this and other websites and organizations involved with promoting the great history of the State of Rhode Island.   Each organization recommended through our links under "Rhode Island History Connect" is included due to their commitment to education, their ability to convey important historical material by contact and over the internet to the public.   Teachers and students may wish to follow up by contacting the sources indicated on each website for additional information and assistance on a variety of topics in accordance to the specialties of the organization (visa vie their website) listed under Rhode Island History Connect.   The goal of Rhode Island History Connect is to establish a high level of public confidence that all information conveyed about Rhode Island History is correct, informative and usable in all classroom situations.   The Rhode Island Grand Army of the Republic Civil War Museum in Cranston, R.I., created this program to serve as a reliable internet referral system to try to assist with a cross section of educational needs related to historical events of the American and Rhode Island Colonial Period (late 1700s) to the dawn of the 20th Century (1900).

This site is managed by: Gregg Mierka, C/O Gen. Nathanael Greene Homestead Museum, at Spell Hall, Coventry, R.I. We wish to thank Neil Demers for his assistance creating this page.

If you would like to make a tax deductable donation to assist us in our continued efforts to preserve this important American Historical asset built by Nathanael Greene in 1770, please e-mail Gregg A. Mierka and he will direct you to the President of the Homestead Association Board of Directors, Thomas E. Greene.   The Nathanael Greene Homestead Association is a 501c3 nonprofit organization, established in 1919.

This Home Page is the only official Revolutionary War Major General Nathanael Greene and Nathanael Greene Homestead site on the internet recognized by the Greene family, the Surgeon John Greene Society, the Sons of the Americam Revolution, the Society of the Cincinnati, the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, the Rhode Island National Guard, the Rhode Island Historical Society, Rhode Island Tourism, the Rhode Island State Archives, the R.I. Dept. Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War Elisha Dyer Camp No. 7, the organizers of the R.I. Commandery of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, the Coventry Historical Society, the Pawtuxet River Valley Historical Society, the Cranston Historical Society, the Varnum Continentals, the Pawtuxet Rangers, the Kentish Guard, Battery A 1st Reg. R.I. Light Artillery, the R.I. Governor's Historic Commands, the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the American Legion, R.I. Historic Preservation, United States Historic Landmarks, the United States Department of the Interior, the United States Defense Department and the Nathanael Greene Homestead Association.   The information on all other home pages and sites not linked to this home page cannot be verified for historical accuracy or true and up to date information about Nathanael Greene or the Spell Hall Homestead.

© All Rights Reserved, Since 1919.

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