The Chambers Family
Emergency assistance has become increasingly necessary.  We want to thank everyone who has helped by sending supplies for the mountain people.  We received items from across the country.  We realize that along with the used items, many of you invested in new things and that some even offered handmade goods.  May God richly bless you for investing your lives in the lives of others for the cause of Christ.
We would like to offer our special thanks to our friends Mark and Teresa Raby and Marcus Davis who traveled from Phoeniz, AZ and Tyler, TX, to deliver supplies that they collected.  The Rabys drove a truck and trailer through the night to meet us at the border in El Paso, Texas with a load of boxes and bags packed with clothing, shoes, coats and blankets.  Marcus Davis, after traveling from the Dallas, Texas area with his truck and trailer full of supplies, spent three days waiting at the border dealing with Mexican customs officials attempting to enter Mexico.  He arrived in the Sierras exhausted, at 1:30 am with bulk foods, clothing, blankets and supplies.   
Dozens of stacks of new and used blankets, coats and shoes.
Over 1000 Lbs of rice & beans plus hundreds of pounds of whole wheat.
Along with the bulk foods, we also received numerous bags and over 14 containers of clothing, shoes and gift bags filled with useful items for the people.
<<<<<Unloaded in Mexico.  Praise the Lord !!!

These burros help each other do what they cannot do alone.  What a great idea!  >>>>>