4th of July, 2000

At the Rutherford Farm

With Lily & George


(Click on the thumbnailed pics below to see the 'Bigger Pictures')

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First we watched the Harrisburg Parade near the farm

with marching bands, horses, sparkling new agricultural equipment

antique vehicles and plenty of local personalities.  No one noticed the drizzle!


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 And then the fun began!  As everyone showed up at the ranch, more and more tables were added.

Alan was on his second variety of grilled chicken breasts, just as Jason decided we had waited long enough to eat.


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Everyone chatted, getting to meet each other 

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and reminiscing

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Then came the serious picture-takin'

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Quick!  Can ya get us all in there?

As things quieted down and the evening sun began to set, the Outdoor Activities began

Jan and Katie made sure that everyone had a chance to ride their fabulous horses.  

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Here we see "The Ketchikan Cowgirls" returning from a nice ride around the farm.

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It took a bit of persuading, but even Lily was willing to try her equestrian skills.

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On a truly calm and gentle beast!

While riding, the girls noticed one of the many Rutherford-Farm peacocks had a bunch of her chicks hiding in the brush.  As the chicks almost always fall prey to the local predators, Alan offered the chicks to the Pfeifers

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who gently gathered them

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and (after a quick flight) made a home for them in Ketchikan.

The farm's surrounding environs provide plenty of wonderful photo opportunities

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Alongside the Willamette River


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 Discovering the heritage of the Oregon Trail and gathering info for future lesson plans

And the most precious moments of all:


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Getting to share time with Aunt Agnes