SU 1999-2000
First Year Memories
From the beginning:
Band Camp: Well, when I arrived on campus that sunny warm afternoon of August 22, 1999, I was not that happy to be there.  I was only there cause i was required to do marching band for my major.  However, things soon changed and I grew to love marching band - not really the marching, but the fun people.  I made so many new friends and they really knew how to have fun!  Don't underestimate "band geeks".
Sadler Hall: Ah, gotta love freshman dorms.  Because I was in the marching band, I wasn't around much the first week or so.  I soon became known as "the band girl" and people would always crack jokes form the movie American Pie.  "And that one time at band camp...".  That got old fast, and I soon began hanging out(maybe too much) with Jess and Carrie in rm 334....ah, all the laughs.  Some lesser-brained people still cracked those ridiculous jokes up to the end of the year... 
First semester: It was a lot of fun, I met so many different kinds of people.  Football games, Apple picking, "freshman herding", Halloween, watching "Dirty Dancing" a few too many times, the Christmas Party, and so much more!  I didn't have time to be home sick!
The SUMB playing on the steps of Hendrick's Chapel
The tenor saxes - what can I say, they're a crazy bunch!
Otto trying to conduct the pep band
Mike and Paul on Halloween- this was only the first time this year that Paul wore a dress...
Nashville: As you can tell from the music city bowl page, we had a great time.  The Wildhorse Saloon, ice skating, the Opryland Hotel, roaming the streets of downtown Nashville...the football team better do good next year so we get another all expense paid trip! =)
Second Semester: Whoa, I thought first semester was great, but second semester was far better!  Sour Sitrus (pep band), basketball games, the 80's party, football, becoming a sister of TBS, fun with pickles(it was the best time ever), jello wrestling, Killer Saturday(man was I killed), the formal, 712, 214, 943(the house of scandal), Bye Bye Bye dancing in Jen' room, evil Rico at 707, and the list goes on and on!  I hope to soon include pics of many of these events such as jello wrestling(me as the Godfather and my ho train), the formal, and Killer Saturday(as long as they don't come out too "bad").
Another 80's party pic(can Jen's hair be any bigger??)
Carrie and Steph at the 80's party
Sadler 830(John, Jon, Matt, and Ted) as the A-Team for the 80's party.  First sperm for Halloween, then this, and then the ho train for jello wrestling - what next?
Rm. 334: This is Jessyca(Tribal Midget/Sexica) and Carrie's(db) room.  I often hung out there, and we always seemed to get into some funny situations. Watching "Dirty Dancing" (where is my beige iridescent lipstick!?), listening to show tunes(yeah Miss Saigon), doing Tae-Bo, playing April Fools jokes(that was the "biggest" poster I've ever made...haha), the view of the Dome, Tribal Midget's tribal was interesting guys!=)
The year in conclusion: I totally chose the right college, and absolutely LOVE it!  SU rocks, FSU, yeah babay!  Oh, and a quick note for those who think college is all fun and no work:  Yes I do actually do homework and study, how would i have made the Dean's list? ;-) but I had fun too, it's possible!  Besides, do you really wanna hear about my boring classes like ear training, music theory(LIU!!), writing(a waste of time), and all the others?
Next Year?: Being a vet, fun in Dellplain(now that Jess, Carrie, and en fuego will be there too), actually living near the off campus, Amy and Andrea's Apt., Becca's VIP lounge, knowing WAY more, and who knows what else!